
TheSecondTimeAround posted a comment 1 year, 7 months ago
Thank you! I would be very sorrowful if, I awakened tomorrow to find...

Cautiously_Hopeful wrote 1 year, 8 months ago
Happy surgiversary! It looks like you've had quite the journey over the past year. Congratulations on your loss and learning to balance maintenance! Wishing you the best.

TheSecondTimeAround posted a comment 1 year, 8 months ago
Thank you! Coming out on the other side demonstrates to me that...

TheSecondTimeAround wrote 1 year anniversary from starting the journey - a reflection 1 year, 9 months ago

September 1, 2021 was the day I started my fast to prepare for surgery.  So today, I commemorate that important decision and the results arising from it.  The actual surgery date was September 14th...

TheSecondTimeAround wrote Achieved Goal, Now on Maintenance 2 years ago

It's like a whole new life!  Check out my photos, including before/after, trend analysis, published data on optimal weight, write up on the journey and metrics, tracking, and ultimately going from ...

TheSecondTimeAround wrote Likely Achieved (Healthy) Terminal Weight Loss 2 years, 1 month ago

Well, fellow bariatric patients, from this vantage point, this looks like the end.  Aparently, this new current weight of 175 pounds is about where I am going to settle in, since it has been my ave...

TheSecondTimeAround wrote Arrived in Wonderland!!! 2 years, 4 months ago

Well, fellow DS'ers, I am so excited to report that this morning I arrived in Wonderland!  199.2 pounds, down from 294 pounds when I started, and an all-time career-high of 307 at the beginning of ...

TheSecondTimeAround wrote Achieved lowest adult weight in memory 2 years, 6 months ago

Hi Obesity Help friends.  Sept 14th was a date that changed my life.  2 weeks prior, I started my preop 1,000 calorie a day diet, so, Sept 1st, and on November 21st, about 80 days out, I hit one of...

TheSecondTimeAround wrote Down 60 pounds in 6 weeks! 2 years, 7 months ago

This has been so great that I wonder when I am going to wake up and realize I am dreaming.  Sure, there are significant difficulties trying to get used to my new "system", but as I see those pounds...

TheSecondTimeAround wrote Two Weeks Out, Life is Sweet 2 years, 8 months ago

Hi fellow sincere seekers of a lower BMI!  Great news!  Today is my two-week anniversary from having my surgery.  Including the weight lost from the pre-op diet, I am now down 40 pounds! (294 to 25...

TheSecondTimeAround wrote 30 pounds lost in 20 days - The BPD/DS Diet Fairy Cometh 2 years, 8 months ago

*30* pounds lost in 20 days Woaaah! since pre-op fast started. (includes one-week post-op)


This is so over the to...

TheSecondTimeAround wrote why "the second time around?" 2 years, 8 months ago

In about 2005, I had a Gastric Band installed.  It helped my weight loss a lot.  I started at 307 pounds, the highest I had been in my life, and I got down to a weight of 217 pounds.  This was base...
