Icecream Dreamer

Icecream Dreamer posted a discussion topic 7 years, 3 months ago
...as in the WEIGHT of an Irish Setter.
70 lbs baby!!!
I was carrying around an Irish Setter!!!!!

Icecream Dreamer posted a discussion topic 7 years, 3 months ago
In the past couple of weeks I saw some posts about the SF syrups and it got me interested. In my area I hadn’t seen them so went to cost plus and got 3 flavors : brown sugar cinnamon, toffee, salted caramel. They sound delish, right? I think I’m us

Icecream Dreamer posted a discussion topic 7 years, 3 months ago
at what point in your WL journey did it become more difficult to lose weight? I am not complaining about my wl but I feel like the last 5-6 lbs have been a struggle and I am nowhere near goal. I feel like I am back to pre surgery situatio

Icecream Dreamer posted a discussion topic 7 years, 4 months ago
But I’ll take it!!! 199.8!

Icecream Dreamer posted a discussion topic 7 years, 4 months ago
You know...the place famous for pasta, wine and cheese? While in Italy for a week I passed my 1/2 way (55 lbs) and I couldn’t be any more surprised. Admitted, didn’t touch the pasta, had literally ONE sip of wine so other people wouldn’t feel un

Icecream Dreamer posted a discussion topic 7 years, 5 months ago
I saw this on Eggface and I had to try it. Since the surgery I have given up coffee and decaf was meh, so I had just scratched coffee from my life. Then I read on Eggface that you can add decaf instant coffee to your chocolate premier protein (warm) an

Icecream Dreamer posted a discussion topic 7 years, 5 months ago
or is it in my head?
im panicking a little bit because in the last week or so I am feeling hungry. I thought for the first year or so you rarely feel the hunger? I’m not starving but in between meals my stomach makes me known it wants food. A

Icecream Dreamer posted a discussion topic 7 years, 5 months ago
Do you guys use protein bars at all? If yes, what kind? Yesterday for the first time I didn’t have my brought-from-home lunch with me (usually it is scaled and calculated to the tiniest oz). I was running in between meetings and g

Icecream Dreamer posted a discussion topic 7 years, 6 months ago
I have a dilemma ...how did you tell your friends and co-workers you had surgery? Or did you ever tell them? My family knows, and a handful of my friends but not everybody and def not anybody at work. I have lost 40lbs so far and people haven't noticed

Icecream Dreamer posted a discussion topic 7 years, 6 months ago
Hi there....I have recently injured my knee, specifically it's called pes anserinus. It's below the knee but it's related to muscles being too tight and overuse. The GP recommended Advil or prednisone as anti inflammatory, plus some stretches. The surg

Icecream Dreamer posted a discussion topic 7 years, 7 months ago
This question is mostly for the vets. From reading the posts in the last 5-6 weeks I see most of you are opposed to fruit. My nutritionist, at the last appt, told me she wants me to have protein, veggies AND fruit. I'm not questioning her expertise but

Icecream Dreamer posted a discussion topic 7 years, 7 months ago
Apologies in advance if this is not proper topic on a Sat morning....but I need HELP!!! I'm almost at the end of my 3rd week after surgery. My main complaint is constipation. I have tried smooth move tea in the last couple of weeks and it worked fine.

Icecream Dreamer posted a discussion topic 7 years, 8 months ago
Hi everybody. I'm in my 3rd week post-op and getting kinda paranoid. I was moved from liquid to mashed/puréed at the end of second week. For lunch and dinner I have about 2 oz puréed chicken + 1/4 cup of puréed vegetables. Is this too much? I am in

Icecream Dreamer posted a discussion topic 7 years, 8 months ago
Hello everybody. Fresh off surgery (2 weeks) and full of questions. Googled bariatric forum and this where I ended up. Lurked a little bit looking at everybody's posts. So many encouraging sig lines with pre surgery weights and post. I hope I'll be one