Gina H. 21 years, 6 months ago

Sarah! That special day is nearly here. My prayers and thoughts will be with you on the 7th . . hope you will always remember this Spring as your year of rebirth!!

julie F. 21 years, 6 months ago

Sarah, so we have the same surgery date. I am on a "final" timeline to get my house in order before that date. My Mom is going to come and stay with my 2 boys while I am in the hospital(about 5 days) I am SO ready for this. How about you? Feeling ready? Lets keep in touch Julie Ford

Sarahlicious 21 years, 6 months ago

Please may I get better by April 7th?!?!?! The infection in my leg seems to be better but now I have a respiratory problem. The doctor thought it was strep but the swab came back negative, of course I've been on some type of antibiotic since February 10th so there shouldn't be anything still alive in me. It's really worries me that I feel the way I do. It hurts to breath, not a lot of pain but enough for me to wonder what the h*ll is going on. I saw my doctor again today and she wants to keep me on oral antibiotics until my surgery date...this way my mediport site can heal. I don't have a fever so I figure as long I as can keep my vitals normal I will be O.K. for surgery. I wrote letters to two friends from high school thanking them for being my friends and telling them about the surgery. One of them called me tonight and we talked for an hour. This is something I should have done before my first surgery date and didn't...I knew I had to tell people in my life how much they mean to me.

carol M. 21 years, 6 months ago

I have been waiting to hear an update, how are you doing waiting ? Had my surgery 2/3/03 and am back to work and feeling great and down 42 pounds.It sure has been a continuing learning experience....I've had lots of years of eating wrong for the wrong reasons. Good Luck ! Carol

garnet156 21 years, 6 months ago

Sarah, hi, I just read your profile and this is an awesome thing you are doing. I had my surgery on the 2nd of January and it was the best thing I have ever done for myself! I pray that you have a smooth surgery and a quick and easy recovery. God bless you.

Naes Wls J. 21 years, 6 months ago

Hi there, Just stopped in to say best wishes to you on your wls and journey. May you have a smooth and speedy recovery and NO complications what so ever. Remember to stay focused and that each day do get better. Hugs

Diane Z. 21 years, 6 months ago

Hi Sarah, Wishing you a short hospital stay, speedy recovery and healthy thin future...write me if you have any questions ....Diane

Naes Wls J. 21 years, 6 months ago

Hi Sarah, Just read your post today, I also had my Dr write out a prescription for a Hospital bed. While I was still in the hospital a lady who works there took care of getting it approved by my ins and it was delieved while I was still in there. A medical supply company brung it. Plus set it up. I had it for 3 months and before they came to get it they asked did I still need it. If you do get one tell them you need a certain kind of bed. maybe they have them. Good Luck

pam k. S. 21 years, 6 months ago

Angel swooping by to ask all you wonderful Amos people to post to Sarah's page and let her know that we will be thinking about her on her upcoming surgery. She will be having surgery on the 7th of April. Give her some great support and prayers. Hugs to all. Thanks!

Sally P. 21 years, 6 months ago

So happy you're feeling better - and that you're on your way again. God bless you and keep you in his care. Sally 3/26/03!!, Harrison, Mi
About Me
Portsmouth, OH
Surgery Date
Jan 28, 2003
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
September 2000 - My 23rd Birthday...on my way to being one of my last. Highest weight ever, way over 500lbs, but 502 was the highest I ever saw on a scale.
February 2007-Post-op Panniculectomy...I've lost half myself!!!

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Latest Blog 59
