pam k. S. 21 years ago

Sarah, Wow! 5 months have flown by. I am very proud of your accomplishments. You have done great. Your appetite will pick up, and you will eat more, but you will keep losing. Keep at it! I have nothing but the greatest hopes for you. Best of luck on your new school year too. Hugs!

Dr.Marcy 21 years ago

Sarah, WOW!! What Great success! I believe you will keep losing...I don't beieve the 6 month window thing. By the way, I have never been successful on a diet myself and I've tried them all. I feel scared because I keep thinking "will I be able to do this?" So, we all have fears. Keep up the great work and feel good! oxoxo

Cj B. 21 years ago

Hi Sarah, 5 months and 100 lbs gone for good! Yeah for you!!! Hang in there girl! I wish you continued success in your journey!! ((hugs)) Cj

Sarahlicious 21 years ago

Today it's been 5 months...update on my profile.

KismetQT 21 years ago

Sarah, Good luck with your surgery. I had mine on the 5th of August. Remember to cough after surgery. I didn't cough and my lung collapsed. So even if the nurses forget, get a pillow and hold it on your stomach and cough like crazy. God Bless you, and I wish you a safe journey to the other side. Marcie

pam k. S. 21 years ago

Sarah, Congrats on the getting below 400!!! Way to go! You should be sooo proud of yourself! I know that feeling well. I hope I never see 400 again, in my lifetime. Glad that your surgery went well. Hugs! Count me in for a WLS meeting in Ohio. Sounds like fun!

Sarahlicious 21 years ago

My mediport is out and I survived being awake while the procedure was done.<p>Drum roll....check another goal off my list...the 3rd one in two weeks!!! Today I weighed 395....I hope to never see 400 again. It's been over 8 years since I have weighed less than 400. 70lbs. until my weight matches my Driver's License...which was probably a low guess at age 16.

summewe 21 years ago

Sarah - Thinking of you and wishing you good health!

Dr.Marcy 21 years ago

Sarah, Get well sweetie!! You're such an inspiration to me and I love your posts! Marcy

Karen Renee 21 years ago

Dear Sarah, You will be in my thoughts and prayers tomorrow. G-d Bless and a speedy recovery.
About Me
Portsmouth, OH
Surgery Date
Jan 28, 2003
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
September 2000 - My 23rd Birthday...on my way to being one of my last. Highest weight ever, way over 500lbs, but 502 was the highest I ever saw on a scale.
February 2007-Post-op Panniculectomy...I've lost half myself!!!

Friends 424

Latest Blog 59
