Dx E 20 years ago

Becky, Have the Greatest Ever on the 2nd! I’m just dropping by to let you know that there’s a huge crowd of strangers out here pulling for you and holding you in our prayers. May you have a famously successful surgery and a record-breaking recovery! Best Wishes- Dx

Kimmie B. 20 years ago

Just wanted to send wishes of an uncomplicated surgery and a speedy recovery.

~Tooter - the Droopy Witch 20 years ago

Just popping in to wish you a successful surgery and a rapid recovery. May luck follow you where ever your journey may lead you!! Hugs & Shalom (May you be blessed in every aspect of your life) Toots

Queen of Plaster 20 years ago

Wow your day will be here soon many prayers for a safe surgery and a speedy recovery ! Kristy

Renee C. 20 years ago

I am wishing for the best of everything for you. I go on 2/28, so we'll be on the losing side together! Congratulations. I know I can't wait so I imagine you are the same too! Good luck. Renee

CaydensNanny 20 years ago

Hey Gurl!.... Your day is ALMOST here! How cool is that!!! Im still going through tests but just letting you know Im thinking about you and I KNOW you will do just great!~Hugs~Sandy E.

freda arnold 20 years ago

Hey Becky good luck on your up comming surgery my thoughts and prayers are with you

Dea J. 20 years ago

Hey Becky - You will be in my thoughts and prayers as your wls surgery is fastly approaching. I'm so excited for you - I just know you are gonna do GREAT! Here is a prayer that helped me thru a difficult divorce and I found it right before my WLS and it seemed to fit and helped me again - I hope it will help you 2.... Dear Heavenly Father, I trust you to write my tomorrows and file my yesterdays in a place that will not harm me. I will await your direction. Give me the courage. Though I long for freedom and victory, I am afraid to venture into such unknown territory. I have forgotten how to laugh, truly laugh and kiss the wind, so bowed over have I been in my despair. You are the lifter of my head. Raise me now and lead me on. I am ready. Ready for change. Ready for deliverance. Ready to experience the fullness of the joy and peace that you have ordained for me. Yes, I am ready. Lead the way in Jesus’ name. Amen hugs - dea

KuuipoCloud 20 years ago

God bless you on your journey to new life!! Can't wait to hear from you on the other side!!! (((((HUGS))))) Michelle

tinamunoz 20 years ago

good luck. i had wls one month ago and it was the best thing i could have done for myself. i hope you have a uneventful surgery and a quick recovery ...best of luck and you will be on the looser side soon . we have a seat ready for you . tina
About Me
Somewhere GREAT!,
Surgery Date
Dec 05, 2002
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February 2005
