50andFabulous posted a discussion topic 13 years ago
Cottage Cheese - I am on soft foods and need some ideas to use or mix with cottage cheese.  How do you eat your cottage cheese?    

50andFabulous posted a discussion topic 13 years ago
I've been re-admitted!!!!!!! - I woke up this morning with the most excruciating pain I have ever felt. It was around the diapram and had me screaming in pain. It lasted about 15 minutes nonstop. Immediately ...

50andFabulous posted a discussion topic 13 years ago
What were you first meals when you started soft fo - ON Tuesday i get to start on soft/pureed foods.  The thought of putting my food in a blender and drinking it completely grosses me out and i don't think i will be able to do it.  w...

50andFabulous posted a discussion topic 13 years ago
I feel fine one day - Lethargic the next. . . .. - I was wondering if anyone else has been experiencing this.  One day i feel great and can go and hang out all day.  The next I feel so lethargic i can hardly get out of bed.  I'm ge...

50andFabulous posted a comment 13 years ago
Thank you Kimmie! I think I will suggest that to him. It definitley...

50andFabulous posted a discussion topic 13 years ago
Keurig Choices - Do any of you own a Keurig (Coffee machine).  What flavors do you buy that are suitable?

50andFabulous wrote a blog post 13 years ago
First post-op appointment! - I had my first post-op appointment yesterday.  Doc told me that i was doing well.   I was down to 234 today!  I remember weighing before i left the hospital and the scale showed 24...

50andFabulous posted a comment 13 years ago
Hey Kimmie! glad to hear everything is going well for you. I have...

50andFabulous posted a comment 13 years ago
OMG!! I hope you have a speedy recovery and that you are not to...

50andFabulous wrote a blog post 13 years ago
One week out! - Well I am one week out from surgery today and so far everything seems to be going ok.  My surgery was on Tuesday (16 Aug) and I was released to go home on Friday night (19 Aug).  T...

50andFabulous posted a discussion topic 13 years ago
Is this gas? - I was wondering - I am 6 days post op and i don't understand what is going on with my body.  I know that I should be passing gas by now.  I think I have only truly farted maybe two...

50andFabulous posted a discussion topic 13 years ago
I'm Home!!!! - whew!!! Surgery was Tuesday morning and I finally got to come home Late Friday evening.  The whole process was not very bad except for the fact that during the procedure i lost alo...

50andFabulous posted a discussion topic 13 years ago
On My Way!!!!! - Well i'm about to head out to the hospital!  So excited - ready to get this party started!!!  I will see you all later today on the losers bench!!!!!         

50andFabulous posted a discussion topic 13 years ago
pureed stage and baby food - Is it appropriate to eat baby food (meats and veggies) during the pureed stage?

50andFabulous posted a discussion topic 13 years ago
Tommorrow is my day - I'm not ready!!!!!! - OMG!  The last 6 months have flown by. Tomorrow is my day and I am scared to death.  I feel so unprepared.  That's not the case, but i keep asking myself if i have done everything ...

50andFabulous posted a discussion topic 13 years, 1 month ago
Have I sabatoged myself??!!! - I feel really bad and just needed to get this off my chest so that i can move forward.  My surgery is scheduled for Tuesday of next week.  Yesterday i was having the day from hell!...

50andFabulous posted a discussion topic 13 years, 1 month ago
Grits?? - During the pureed stage when you are able to eat Cream of Wheat and oatmeal, can you also eat grits???

50andFabulous posted a discussion topic 13 years, 1 month ago
Walk at Home - Has anyone used the "Walk At Home" DVD's by Leslie Sansone?  I was thinking about getting one but not sure how they work and which one i should start with.  Any advice??!!

50andFabulous posted a comment 13 years, 1 month ago
You look BEAUTIFUL!! I can definitley see a difference all over. The...

50andFabulous posted a discussion topic 13 years, 1 month ago
chills and no energy! - Okay, so i started my liquids yesterday and made it through the day fairly well.  Started out with a headache but that passed and i was okay.  Today however i am feeling completely...

50andFabulous posted a discussion topic 13 years, 1 month ago
Chewing Gum - I am starting my 2 week liquid diet today.  I was wondering, i know some people chew sugarless gum to use as anappetite suppresant. Is it okay to chew gum during this liquid phase?...

50andFabulous posted a discussion topic 13 years, 1 month ago
Headaches - I am about to start my liquid diet on Tuesday, my surgery date is 16 Aug.  While I am getting ready to start my pre-op, i have trying to reduce my solids and drink more liquids.  I...

50andFabulous posted a comment 13 years, 1 month ago
Hey Girl, hang in there - I start my liquids on Tuesday. I have been...

50andFabulous posted a discussion topic 13 years, 1 month ago
Question for insulin dependent diabetics - I am scheduled for my surgery on 16 Aug and on 2 Aug i will start my liquid diet.  I was wondering, did anyone have any problems during their liquid phase with low blood sugars?  I...

50andFabulous posted a discussion topic 13 years, 1 month ago
How do i add the ticker tapes? - How do i add the ticker tapes that everyone has that shows how mcuh you have lost so far and how far you have to go?                           I'm new to the site and haven[t f...
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Jul 12, 2011
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