CRC 18 years ago

Happy anniversary. I miss you on the Bama Board stop by and post with us sometime. Carolyn

CaydensNanny 19 years ago

I just spoke with Joni. She is in good spirits, and sounds wonderful! She did not have to go to ICU and was moved to her room last night.She has not been able to get up and walk just yet, but if they will let her to do this. Im more than happy to walk with her. Im going up there shortly, and will post a update when I get back this evening.

Dedee 19 years ago

I am oh so happy for you Joni...I still lurk the boards and never see you much...when I noticed Gail posted about your surgery...I was moved to tears...I still remember your sleep study (smile). I will keep looking for updates on you. I wish you an Uneventful surgery and speedy recovery...YOU OLE'LOSER!

gisellena 19 years ago

Oh Thank the Good Lord! Joni! Welcome to the loosing side sweetheart! I knew everything would turn out wonderfully! Love you much, Gisela

~Tooter - the Droopy Witch 19 years ago

Welcome to the LOSING SIDE! Yeehaw! Congrats and get well soon! Hugs, Toots

CaydensNanny 19 years ago

I just spoke with Joni's support person, Debby and Becky L. who is at the hospital, along with some other wonderful AMOS friends, Renee and Beth G. Joni did great during surgery and was able to have it lap. She will spend tonight in ICU as a precaution because of her CPAP and go to a room, sometime tomorrow, if all goes well. Please continue to send up prayers she will have a swift and uneventful recovery,

Ellie F. 19 years ago

Joni, it's about time! My prayer is that you will have a successful surgery and a speedy and uneventful recovery. You've waited a loooong time and you deserve to be on the losing side! Ellie Fisher

Hilary P. 19 years ago

OMG! Im so estatic for you! Good Luck in your journey and i'll be praying for you!!!! Love ya!

Linda H. 19 years ago

Girl you know I am so happy for you!! Soon you will be on the loosing side. I love ya and you are in my thoughts and prayers. I can't wait to see you again. Let us know how you are ok!! Love ya, Linda

gisellena 19 years ago

On Angels' Wings ~~ Today I prayed for angels to keep watch over you, to guard and then protect you in everything you do. When I whispered to the Father, I asked for Him to bring a touch of love and goodness sent forth on angel's wings. So if you feel the brush of wings or soft breeze fills the air, just know it's angels watching you because of whispered prayer. ~~Allison Chambers Coxsey. I borrowed this poem to wish you congratulations on your upcoming surgery. May it bring you joy and hope and calm when I know you may be riding turbulent waters. Please remember that we on the boards are here to help and we'll all save you a seat on the loser's bench. ~~ Gisela
About Me
Sheffield, AL
Surgery Date
Nov 15, 2004
Member Since

Friends 49

Latest Blog 1
Stairway To Heaven
