kd5fil 18 years, 9 months ago

TT thanks for your words of encouragement. I wish you the best on your journey as well. Keep strong and soon we will be on the loosing side! My prayers are with you.

MaryJo-Kids 18 years, 9 months ago

TT thank you for you're thoughts and prayers I am really looking forwad to this surgery, I go for my post op Tuesday 7,2006 I will let you know if anything changes. Hope you are doing fine I will keep you in my prayers.

bgprettygrl 18 years, 9 months ago

TT I am with you on not letting anyone change your mind. I remember when I first started thinking about WLS I talked about it too much around NAY SAYERS. They would say girl you just need to cut back. LOL you kno what skinny folks always seem to think that they kno why are overweight! Geeez!!! So I only talk to my supporters. Not talking about it so much has actually helped me. Cuz I would be feeling really good one day and happen to mention it to a NAY SAYER and then I am in the dumps again. Questioning my decision. I soon realize I am the one in this 486 lb body not them. I am the one huffing and puffing when I walk. I am the one that is in pain from joint problems not them......SO I SAY THIS IS MY LIFE......AND I WANT TO LIVE!!! Thank God I can finally say that....... I remember when I just stayed in doors and played "FEEL SORRY FOR TINA" Well those days are over and I want to live so that I can take care of my daughter! God Bless! Thanks for letting me vent!!!

rondabruce 18 years, 9 months ago

TT..Thank you so much for thinking about me. I am so excited. It has taken me a year of research to make this decision and a lot of people have tried to change my mind. But once I have my mind set there is not changing it :) so i am having it even if I dont have all the support. The most important people in my life support me so that is all the matters. I hope you get a date soon. please keep us informed and up to date on your progress. I am so excited for you. You have made a decsion that will change your life forever!! Good luck :) talk to you soon. Ronda

miss_di 18 years, 9 months ago

Hi there..!! Thanks so much for your post on my support page... I am so very appreciative..!! Well, my surgery was on Jan.4 and I wish I could say that things went off without a hitch... but, I ran into some complications... (Not due to the proceedure itself though!!) *smile* I had my gall bladder removed some 16 years ago (open method) and I knew the surgeon did not do a very good job... (I had a 15 inch incision from it) My doctor still performed the surgery via lap, but I had so many adhesions from my prior surgery that the process to remove them took quite some time and ultimately the adhesions caused some problems post op too! The first night I went to the floor to recover and started bleeding from my drain sight as well as through the drain.. I lost so much blood that I was transferred to the ICU where I stayed for 5 days.. (I had 6 blood transfusions) The (morning) of the 7th day I was stable and well enough to be moved to the floor again... my blood levels were still wacky and I ended up having magnesium and potassium added to my IV cocktail over the 3 additional days I was in the hospital! A total of 10 days in the hospital.... It was a bit of a journey, but.. I am now home and still very sore, but I am working it!!! *huge grin* I left the hospital on the night of the 14th and today is the 21st! I am down 33 pounds!!!!!!! *huge smile* YEA!!! YEA!!! 'wooooo hooooo' So far, so good...... !! Anyway.... as far as my surgery itself... it went well.... but BOY... those adhesions from my previous surgery.... Owwwwie! LOL ... They sure did create some issues! *smile* Well.... I ramble on enough.... I hope that you have an uncomplicated surgery and a generally good experience ---- Keep me posted!!!!! *hugs* *prayers* Diane

Bostonmoonluva 18 years, 9 months ago

TT thanks so much for your comment post!!! It is amazing the support you can get from this website. I am still trying to get the 20 pounds off that I need to before my surgery also. God willing I will do it! I wish you the absolute best and and hope you get a date soon for your surgery. God Bless Shelly

cottagelivin 18 years, 9 months ago

Hi~ Thanks so much for your post to me. I appreciate the good thoughts. Which surgery are you having? I go in for my adjustable gastric band on Tues., Jan. 24, and I'm getting nervous!!! I know I want this badly, but I suppose being nervous is normal...we're getting ready to make such a huge change in our lifestyles forever, and the unknown is always scary. Anyway, when is your surgery date? I'm still trying to find my way around on this site, so if you have it posted somewhere, I apologize! I'm wishing you the very best surgery and recovery possible....you will be in my thoughts and prayers. I loved your profile...you look like someone I'd like to know! Take care and you stay strong, too. This isn't the easy way out...it takes a LOT of courage. Emily

heidijwrites 18 years, 9 months ago

Hey! I wanted to give you some words of encouragement but also wanted to tell you that the journaling you kept on your journey is an inspiration. Do you know how often I 'mean to' write something or I'm going to 'get around' to writing in my journal? Until yesterday, my last journal entry was November. But you are really good at keeping yours up so congratulations, have you ever thought of being a writer? And when I read what you wrote about the fact that you wanted the surgery and you weren't going to let anyone change your mind, I started crying. You are such a strong person. I wish you luck, and I would like to be your angel once I'm post op if that would be o.k. with you?

Happygirl 18 years, 9 months ago

Hi TT- Thank you for your support. I wish you the best and a speedy recovery. My prayers are with you. Take Care, tami

Mynavi2005 18 years, 9 months ago

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Bronx, NY
Mar 10, 2004
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