
Nov 11, 2007

I feel great.  Our First meeting went well.  Jimmy , Mona & Beth got us off to a good start.  My biggest fear was no one would show up.  But that was not the case.  WE had seven (not counting our three meeting starters.) Plus some support husbands.  I was very pleased.  I'm very excited over my next session w/obesity help.( to teach me more.) That next session will be on Tues. I'm having surgery on my right foot on Wed.  The Doc. has to cut out some extra bone & wire it back together.  Really looking forward to that. ( Ha)
I'm going to try to contact all that came to the meeting & see if there is anything special they would like to see next time.  All for now.   


Nov 05, 2007

I'm starting a support group with a friend of mine. We're really excited. I started my first training session this morning with Obesity Help. Just through the manuals they e-mailed me, I've learned much more on so many levels.I'm so glad to have this opportunity to learn & share. I called our local Hospital & asked to use thier conference room for the meetings & they were more than happy to help. Sverything seems to be going great right now. I've lost 70lbs. as of today. I'm on top of the world. Don't nobody wake me Ha ! I've made good friends here & wish everyone great successs in all they attempt.
Have a great day.

shrinking woman

Oct 03, 2007

Hi,I'm doing great.  My port was reinstalled on t/31st of August.  I've lost 58lbs. so far.  It's wonderful.  I have lot's of clothes to give away.   Mostly sizes 20 to 24. Hope everyone's as happy as I am.


Jul 27, 2007

Forty Pounds !!!! It's only been 6wks.yesterday !!! WOW, can you believe it.I'm shrinking,I'm shrinking.And I love it.I've been more active in the last couple of wks.than I have been in years.

! month

Jul 12, 2007

Well,one month today.Doing okay.Still have some problems with pain.I've had 13 surgery's in my life.This one seems to be a stinker.My body must not like this object inside me.Hope to do better after the Port is put back in.

life goes on

Jul 05, 2007

I feel much better today.The gas pains are unreal at times.Anybody have any sugguestions for that ? I was given all kinds of info before the surgery about what it would be like.The only contact I had were gastric bypass followers.None of it has pertained to me as yet.The diet seems to be about any food w/o any digestion problems.About the only food I haven't tried is salad fixen's.I guess the reason for that would be,I want to make every bite count,therefore..I want to make sure I'm getting the most nutrishish foods I can in such a small amount of room.My husband has become quite a bit of a nag.I brag about how much I'm losing and he says "No wonder,you're not eating enough to keep a bird alive."He thinks I've become overboard.(But don't we all at times?)
I'll give you my weight on the 12th(that will be a month out) I don't want to jenkx it.Ha!

bump in the road

Jul 03, 2007

I guess I spoke too soon.We just got home after spending 7 days back in Scottsbluff.I came down with an internal infection a week after surgery.The Doc.tried to treat it w/o me coming back in(we live over 6hrs.away.)It didn't work.The area around the port was infected.I had surgery again last Wed.(my port had to be removed)I'll have to have surgery again in about 8wks.(to have it put back in.)I was released from the hospital Sun.afternoon.The good news is he was able to leave the band in place.Not feeling much like dancing yet,but doing about like you'd expect.

Life After Surgery

Jun 17, 2007

We came home Wed.night.Doing fine.I can finally lay on my side.They don't fill t/band right away because they say it should take care of itself to start with because of swelling.Evedentally I wasn't very swallen,because 2hrs.after I eat...I'm hungrey. But I still space t/meals out during t/day. Inbetween times I keep trying to fill up on liquids.Surgery was Tues.,Today is Sun.I've lost 10lbs.since my weigh in t/day before surgery(297)Today,287.I know most all is water to start with,but that's the fastest I've ever lost,even if it's mostly water.Doing great.

June 11th (1:00a.m.)

Jun 10, 2007

We're off for the hospital in 2hrs.(for pre-op).Can't sleep.If all goes well see ya in a few days.

June 8th

Jun 08, 2007

My daughter & her two kids are coming tommarrow for 11 days.(from Lusby,MD.) My grandkids are 3&nearly 6yrs.young.My daughter is 27.I miss them all alot.
Haven't seen them in about 1&1/2yrs.It'll be great to see all of them. She had bought her non-refundable plane tickets before my surgery date was set.She doesn't want to go out west with us,so she plans to stay here at the house.(to take care of my shih-tzu & cat. That's very important also.Mousie(my dog)is a big part of my life also.

About Me
Central City, NE
Surgery Date
Jan 28, 2007
Member Since

Friends 40

Latest Blog 52
Launched a new web-site
Thank You
Today !
Todays Journal
100lbs. !!!!
Ta Dah !!!
My surgery date was changed
