Is there a story in you?
The OH Magazine staff is always looking for well-written, insightful, educational, and encouraging articles to print. Please consult the magazine to familiarize yourself with our content, and refer to the information below to help you get started writing. Full and detailed submission information is located at the following link: Submission Guidelines PDF
Our Sections:

Feature articles have great photographs, a compelling story and wide appeal. They may be on a variety of topics. We choose the best of the best for our Features section.

At a glance articles are short and informative or fun. If you have news to report from your local support group or state or if you have a short poem to share, this is the section for you! Submissions to At a Glance should be limited to 500* words.

The Learn articles section are usually written by professionals and are about medical topics. Please contact us if you think your surgeon or other bariatric professional may have important information to share and we will be happy to extend an invitation to submit.

The Mind section is designed to provide the tools you need to cope with relationship challenges, behavioral issues and, basically, changing your outlook on life. While these articles may sometimes be written by non-professionals who have figured out what has helped them, articles by professional psychologists and life coaches are preferred. Submissions to Mind should be limited to 1250 words.

The Lifestyle section has three sub-sections: Exercise, Nutrition and Image.
Exercise articles should provide practical tips and instruction that will help others develop, stick to or perform a healthy exercise routine. Articles should use photographs or high-quality drawings that illustrate concepts and should usually be written by professional trainers, surgeons or physiologists. Since these articles are often very photo-heavy, the text of the article should be limited to 1000 words.
Nutrition articles are designed to provide support and guidance to our readers about food, drinks and supplements. Recipes are also accepted from readers. Submissions should be limited to 1500 words.
Image articles are designed to help our readers look and feel their best by providing information and tips. Image consultants, fashion consultants and cosmetologists are especially encouraged to write. Photographs illustration concepts should also be submitted and text should be limited to 1000 words.

The People section tells the inspiring stories of people who have struggled with obesity or who have dedicated their lives to helping those who do. ObesityHelp member stories are preferred to those of non-members. Stories should focus on the unique aspects of the individual’s journey—the things that make him or her special—rather than on the details of the weight loss journey that are shared in common. Submissions for the People section should be limited to 1250 words.

Viewpoints aims to further the debate about some of the more contentious obesity-related issues. Articles are intended to take a position and to stimulate dialogue. Opinions expressed in this section are not necessarily those of ObesityHelp, Inc., and its subsidiaries. Submissions to Viewpoints should be limited to 1000 words.
Please send any questions about the submissions process to [email protected].
*Word counts are approximate. Submissions are primarily judged on their importance, relevance and quality. However, successful submissions tend to be limited to the specified length.
+We regret that we are unable to pay for submissions at this time. However, we will provide complementary copies of the issue in which a submission appears to the authors.
If you would like to submit your article through e-mail 