TSH levels are on the rise

on 6/10/14 10:16 am

I'm concerned about my TSH levels before surgery it was 1.5 ,my specialist likes to keep it as close to 1 as possible. we'll we did it last week and its at 3.55 i'm so concerned that i called the my surgeon and he said the surgery would not have any effect on the TSH. I already take levothyroxine 150 mcg .Did anyone else have this problem and did it correct itself. My PCP says to wait 2 months then retest i'm just concerned it will slow my weight loss. any suggestions.

Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 6/10/14 1:45 pm - OH

Did your PCP change your medication level or does he just want to see if it continues to rise?  A level of 3.5 is what many endocrinologists consider as the "upper" limit of normal for those taking thyroid medication, so it probably won't impact your weight loss.

Some people find that their thyroid meds don't absorb as well after RNY and that they need a higher dose. (That has not been my experience, though. I still take 175 mcg.)

Hormone changes can also play a role in thyroid level changes, so depending on your age and/or where you are at in your post-op journey (sorry, i did not look for your surgery date), that might be part of the problem.

The solution is probably increasing your dose no matter what the cause, but if it is changing rapidly that might necessitate additional diagnostic testing.

Did he also check your T3 and T4 levels?


14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

on 6/13/14 8:39 am

I started taking my meds at night to see if that will help. My doctor says to wait 2 months and see if they change. I think I will call n make an appointment for next month anyway.

on 6/10/14 2:36 pm
RNY on 05/07/13

Be sure not to take your medication with any of the suppliments.  That made a real difference with my levels.  After working with my PMD for 7 months of TSH levels climbing, I finally found that by taking my Levothyroxine at night with no vitamins or calcium, it was absorbed well and levels are back to normal.










on 6/11/14 4:18 am

Thank you I'll try that

on 6/13/14 1:20 am
On June 10, 2014 at 9:36 PM Pacific Time, diane48 wrote:

Be sure not to take your medication with any of the suppliments.  That made a real difference with my levels.  After working with my PMD for 7 months of TSH levels climbing, I finally found that by taking my Levothyroxine at night with no vitamins or calcium, it was absorbed well and levels are back to normal.


You are so right. I found this out when I was taking Krill oil with my synthyroid..tsh climbed. I stopped, it went down



Surgery Feb 26, 2014. Starting wt 270 lbs

(deactivated member)
on 6/10/14 11:54 pm
RNY on 04/10/14

I take Levothyroxine too.  I was pretty leveled out at a lower dose.  Then, right after surgery, it went whacko and they had to up my medication a lot!  My TSH level was over 9!  I am going back next week so they can test it to make sure my meds are right.  I feel much better though so I think they must be doing the job.  I tried to find info on TSH levels raising after surgery but haven't found much.

on 6/13/14 1:21 am

My doctor also said she never signs off on generics for hypothyroid meds



Surgery Feb 26, 2014. Starting wt 270 lbs

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