Plastic surgery cost: USA vs. Europe

on 11/4/09 5:34 am - prag 9, Czech Rep.
Procedures  Average fees in USA  Fees in Western Europe   Fees  in Eastern Europe
 $4000 - $5,500  $3000  $2000
 Botox  $200 - $400 per area   $200  $100
 Breast augmentation (saline)
 $5000 - $6,500  $4,500  $3,500
 Breast augmentation (silicone)
 $6000 - 8000
 $5000  $4000
 Breast elevation
 $5000 - $6000
 $4,500  $4000
 Breast reduction
 $6000 - $8000
 $5000  $4,500
 Cheek or chin implants
 $3000 - $4,500
 $2,500  $2000
 Deep chemical peel
 $3,500 - $5000
 Facelift  $7000 - $9000
 $6000  $5,500
 Forehead lift
 $3,500 - $5000
 $3000  $2,500
 Laser hair removal
 $300 - $800 per area
 $250 - $800
 $200 - $600
 Laser eye surgery
 $3,500 - $4000
 $2,500 - $3000
 Lip augmentation
 $600 - $2000
 $500 - $1,500
 Liposuction (1 area)
 $2,500 - $4,500
 $2,500  $2000
 Liposuction (3 areas)
 $5,500 - $7000
 $5000  $4000
 Liposuction (4 areas)
 $8000 - $10000
 $6,500  $5,500
 Male breast reduction  $5000 - $6000
 $4,500  $4000
 $5000 - $6000
 $4,500  $4000
 Pectoral implants  $6000 - $7000
 $5,500  $5000
 Otoplasty  $3000 - $4,500
 $2,500  $2000
 Tummy tuck  $6000 - $8000
 $5,500  $5000

These are average prices listed above. They might vary in $500-1,000. Bear in mind, that the cost of a surgical procedure will be determined by the surgeon on your initial consultation. Finally, saving some money is a great thing but sometimes you might want to get a procedure for a higher price rather than risking your health or even life. Remember, your health has the greatest value.  Best Wishes.

on 11/4/09 6:36 am, edited 11/4/09 6:36 am - TN
Just found a DIFFERENT way to give the same info??? Thanx

BL & Facelift w/Brow & Eyelid      10.08.08
Abdominalplasty Scheduled          10.21.09

Panda ..
on 11/4/09 8:08 am
on 11/4/09 5:13 pm
Bear in mind, however - the exchange rate right now sucks! It's 0.66 euro = $1.00.

I'm in Germany and this is from that point of view - going back to the States (or Mexico) would be harder for me than going to other places in Europe or India or elsewhere.

I had an Arm lift, chest lift (bra fat), Breast lift, Breast augmentation (gummy bear silicone implants), additional touch up on my thighs, with all costs, including meds, garmet, some scar revisions from LBL, OR costs, anesth, surgeon, and all inclusive private recovery center for 4 days (for me and my partner to stay with me) was approx 12,500 euro for everything (or about $18,500).   (Normally you would pay VAT (value added Tax) of 19% but I'm exempt from that.)

Whereas last April I had a total LBL and extended (long cut) thigh lift, contouring lipo on my thighs and calves and 8 days in the recovery center it cost me about 9,500euro but the exchange rate was 0.77 euro = $1 so it was MUCH better. (Total cost was less than $12,500.)

Other notes on other places: 

I had my RNY in India. As long as you go to a "higher end" private hospital - the medical care is WORLD CLASS, and a lot cheaper in the states. I had a complication (totally unrelated to my procedure being done - just one of those things that happens in 1% of cases whether or not you had the best surgeon in the world). So in addition to my RNY surgery, I had to have a second extensive surgery, had MRI's, CT scans, total for both surgeries of 5 days in private ICU, 13 days in a private suite overlooking the bay of Mumbai, w/ private nurses that spoke better english than most americans in a hospital so clean they actually filter all air in the hospital and the rooms have separate venilation systems so you don't have the airborne infection spreads you do in american hospitals. Also note - I had a 'celebrity' surgeon - he is the Vice President of the Obesity Society of India and is the doc that does all the bariatric surgeries for their equivalent of "big medicine" - he was $2-3,000 more expensive than other surgeons that were not as 'famed' or experianced in this area. My surgeon had done fellowships at Harvard Medical School and a few other places in the States. My assistant surgeon spent 2 years in fellowships in London. Total cost for everything - both surgeries, travel (used mostly frequent flier miles for a business class ticket), etc?  $16,500. Insurance reimbursed me about 75-80% of total cost.  If I had been in the states - it would have been over $100,000 - easily. Had my fiance' not been here in Germany, I would have 100% went back to India for my plastic surgeries.

I lived in Romania (eastern europe) for over a year. It was during that time that I went to India for my RNY. I would NOT recommend anything but dental work in that country. The OR's and health facilities are like something out of the movie SAW. For instance - the ER - there were pools of drying blood (so not fresh) on the floors in the hall where the patients were waiting. They treated people in the halls (like setting bones, etc) rather than in a sheeted off "treatment" area or room - NO privacy, etc. They couldn't even run a B-12 test. They would have had to fly the blood to the capital city and then it would take 3 months they said to get the results back. They told me that the results they got back would probably only be about 25% accurate. Medical care is so bad that the Dept of Defense has a standing medical treatment policy that says "treat only until stable enough to med-evac to Germany for proper treatment"

The dentists are VERY good though, I highly recommend them :-) You can get better dental care there than in the States, IMHO. Most of the dentists have fellowships in Florida, Costa Rica, California, Texas, etc. High tech equipment - mostly digital, very clean offices. Makes you wonder why the docs can't take a clue from the dentists.

If you do have surgery done in Europe (or elsewhere) make sure you have a doc back home who's willing to write you a script for anti-biotics (if you need them a month down the line after you're home) or pain meds (once you're out of the hospital, there's just isn't the same as what we're used to).

And for those nay-sayers (you know who you are, don't bother responding as I don't really don't care what you have to say about it anyways) who dis' everyone who has surgery outside the Great'ole USofA - please take a look around next time you're at most of your doctor's offices and hospitals in the USA - where do most of the docs come from? Can you say immigration? USA is a melting pot of talent FROM AROUND THE WORLD. A lot of the better docs (those are the ones we would be going to if we chose to go internationally for surgery) have went to school and/or trained, did fellowships, etc) in the USA. Have you seen how many doctors from India or elsewhere are practicing in the States now days?  Let's remind everyone of reality - who in the world are the leaders in Science, Math, medicine - especially pharmacuticals - here's a clue - it's not the USA!  Think India and Asia.  Get a clue!  That's my soapbox, I'm getting off of it now.


Starting BMI under 45? Join us on The Lightweight Board. 
HW:257ish / SW:205 / CW:110.4 / GW:119.99
on 11/4/09 11:44 pm - San Diego, CA
I sure don't think the European prices are a bargain, especially with the current exchange rate.  And the flight back across the Atlantic would be grueling, to say the least!  Interesting post.
Surgeon: Joseph Grzeskiewicz, M.D., F.A.C.S.
La Jolla Cosmetic Surgery Centre
on 11/8/09 1:02 am - prag 9, Czech Rep.
thx all for ur positive reactions 
on 11/8/09 1:06 am - prag 9, Czech Rep.
thx cbhjr98 for the useful info,
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