Substitutions for skim milk?

Mags W.
on 4/18/11 4:16 am
I'm in my pre-op diet (day 5) and the skim milk is making me really, really ill.  I'm only able to keep one shake down a day, if I try to do two I vomit the second almost immediately.  I've been alternating the first with drinks of water to keep it down.

Before calling the surgeon and being "that person" (I've already had to request different pain meds post surgery due to sensitivity issues), I was wondering if anyone had any thoughts on milk-type products that can be used in place of the skim milk?  I know soy milk is often high in calories, and I'm not much on the flavor.  I was thinking about almond or coconut milk, both of which I *think* are similar calorie wise.

Any ideas?
Hermosa L
on 4/18/11 4:26 am
I hardly drink skim milk anymore unless I'm craving a glass

For my protein shakes I use jillian whey protein powder, 1/2 a banana, 1/2 cup of ice and 8 ounces of Almond Milk 45 cal..

it's only 45 calories for 8 ounces from 90 that skim milk has and it has less carbs..not a huge difference but since I usually eat 1/2 a banana with it makes a different.

*note I always pick up small ripe bananas for my shakes.
on 4/18/11 5:22 am
What about powdered milk??

GOAL WEIGHT:         150
LAP BAND:                4/22/11

on 4/18/11 5:31 am - PA
I personally like the fat free lactaid. I have been a person who loves milk all my life! I was always drinking milk.

After my surgery, I would get such indigestion from fat free milk. Someone recommended that I try the Lactaid and ever since, I have been hooked!

I hope you find what works for you...

Von a.k.a.

on 4/18/11 6:18 am - Lakewood, CO
Soy Milk?
debbie H.
on 4/18/11 6:35 am - AR
Coconut milk is really good in protein shakes and it froths up the drinks nicely. And I was leery of what I thought coconut milk was.
on 4/18/11 8:28 am
Revision on 07/07/15
Blue diamond almond milk or Coconut milk...........
on 4/18/11 9:21 am - NC
I have switched to plain Silk Light.  The calories are better and I don't notice a different taste mixed in with my shakes.  I don't drink it straight up, though, so can't tell you about that.  It has definitely helped with gas issues, switching from milk to soy.  I'm sure the same could be said for others that you might try, such as the almond milk or Lactaid. 
Mags W.
on 4/18/11 11:26 am
The surgeon's office called and so, since I had them on the phone anyway, I asked about what others did in my situation.  She said the protein makes some people sick anyway, and since I have a history of lactose intolerance, she's not surprised I'm having trouble.  She couldn't recommend anything comparable for the pre-op diet (very low fat and calories) so asked me to try water with lots of ice before trying milk subs.  I'm going to try it tomorrow morning and hope for the best.
Hermosa L
on 4/19/11 1:39 am
I find that odd considering our suggestions are lower in fat and calories compared to skim milk.. but I would recommend you follow your doctors instructions good luck...

I drank pre-mixed protein shakes when I was post op .. mostly EAS low carb Control .. 100 calories each I think 15 grams of protein those are water based.. I like them.. but making my at home shakes I need them to be thicker..

Good Luck
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