To count or not to count
I've always personally found that pure water is the most hydrating, but I pretty much only drink artificially sweetened drinks, diet juice, diet soda, tea, and coffee and I'm quite obviously still alive.
The dehydrating effects of coffee are kind of overblown. Even in athletes, it hasn't be found to significantly alter fluid balance. Probably has a bigger effect if you don't drink caffeine very often.
It "counts" but I've never personally found the 64oz thing to be very helpful. So arbitrary. I have to go by how I feel, and I generally feel better if I drink well over 100oz.
The dehydrating effects of coffee are kind of overblown. Even in athletes, it hasn't be found to significantly alter fluid balance. Probably has a bigger effect if you don't drink caffeine very often.
It "counts" but I've never personally found the 64oz thing to be very helpful. So arbitrary. I have to go by how I feel, and I generally feel better if I drink well over 100oz.
I am in the same camp as Kayla. Liquid is liquid. Even when you are in the hospital and they want you on liquids they give you broth, coffee, soda and even jello because it's basically a liquid too. I'm not saying that should be your only source but it will hydrate you. I base my intake on how I feel and the easiest way for me to tell if I'm adequately hydrated is to look at the veins on top of my hand. If they are plump, I'm good to go. If not, I know I should drink more. I'm just not a good example of someone who counts everything that goes in my mouth. I base so much of my experience with my numbers....scale...labs and energy level.
I live on the Walmart generic version of Crystal Light. Without it I'd shrivel up. I am very much alive and healthy!
I live on the Walmart generic version of Crystal Light. Without it I'd shrivel up. I am very much alive and healthy!

SW/263 CW/136 GW/150