Sure wish the chatroom hadn't been all messed up.
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So do I Dragonryder2, I miss all my friends too. A while back...there has been some bad seeds in the chat-room that messed it up for all of use. Our friends might be on Facebook account. I want to be in the chat-room too as much as you do Dragonryder2. It seems to me Forums is my chat-room on this website now. The "Newbies" that that signed up for this site and those that have been on this site for about a year or so don't know about the Chat-room that's on here. The "Seasoned Veterans" just stopped coming into the chat-room or just make a very rare appearance in the chat-room. Something has to happen for the chat-room to be active again like it use to be before all the B.S. happen. At this point, I just mainly use "Health Tracker", "Blogs on my Profile", "Forums" and a few other stuff on here, just to name a few.
You too have a good day.
I miss talking to you.