Message board help/ What surgery to have?
As many of you know this site was designed as a way to communicate with others who have been or are going through obesity related ailments or are seeking solutions for weight loss. That being said, there are many members who offer very valuable advice on the boards, there are some who are in the medical profession giving valuable advice, HOWEVER any advice you get from a message board should be not taken over what YOUR surgeon/professional advises. It's nice to be able to compare notes, but this is your health. Take your health very seriously and anything you are unclear about always go back to your doctor to confirm what you need to be doing. Unfortunately, our site has no control over how people give or take advice, but we want our members to be as safe as possible. We want you all to be able to express your personal stories. Your best advice to anyone wanting medical advice is to ask their doctor. Of course there is always going to be medical advice given out, but remember your personal experiences will vary. If you are giving out any type of advice, please keep in mind that some people are very new in researching this whole process and they will take your advice as 100% correct. So be careful what you tell someone on a message board, they might not seriously know any better and don't seek out the proper medical treatment.
This is from our terms of service: Medical Advice Disclaimer
Information contained in this web site is intended by ObesityHelp, Inc. to provide an understanding and knowledge of health care topics. The information should never be used in place of advice from your physician or other health care provider. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call 911 or contact your doctor immediately. You should never disregard medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read here.
What surgery is best for me?
This question is asked daily by new members. It’s not always clear to our members that there are various surgery types. This is why research is very important. It’s not always easy for those who are new to researching on where to look for information. So I’m going to try to help guide you around to gather more information. This link is very helpful: Talks about the various surgery types. Some of the surgeries lists are not as popularly done and some are not done any longer. The best information you can get is from your surgeon. Realize however that because some surgeons do not perform some of these types of surgeries; they are not always going to have the most accurate information and are not always up to date on the advancements or long term results. It’s wonderful if you can go to a surgeon who performs various types to get a good opinion on what surgery would best suit YOU. This is not always possible to find one that does many types so research plays a good part in all of this. The key to your research is to find a surgery that works with your particular lifestyle and what you feel is your best option. This is your body and the end results will be something that you ultimately have to live with and are not always reversible. Be sure to get information from other members, this is why we have separate areas to get real life results and talk with those who have had a certain surgery. If you notice on the surgery type page you can reach these various surgery type support message board forums. Every surgery has advantages, disadvantages and risk, but the ultimate outcome can be better health and that’s what this is about for many people. Obesityhelp wants to assist you in getting the help needed for your obesity. Sometimes surgery is not always a route our members want to take, so this is why we have a section on our site for those who didn’t go the surgical route or undecided. Check out this board here: No matter what choice you make in your path know that Obesityhelp is here to help you through your journey. This is why we have designed many sub forums on the various surgeries and various interests.
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