Hey everyone, I am soo confused on how to get my profile done,Where do i go and how do i get it started?I noticed when i push on peoples names they got this nice page thing going on and pics,journals who there doc is...can someone help me out plz step by step, This computer stuff gets me too confusing.Thanxz!! TONY:help:
Heya Atonio,
First off, if ya look up at the top right hand corner of the page here you'll see "My Account" click on that then click "General Info" in the right hand colum and you'll be able to create your profile by filling in the info you want. Where it says "Comment" is where ya put things about yourself and keep a journal if ya so desire too. You should see where to change colors and stuff on that same page. Hope that helps, email me if ya have any other questions [email protected].
If you know HTML, the comments box under General Info - where you write your journal notes for your profile - accepts HTML. If you don't know how to do HTML, there are some very good free tutorials online - that you can find by using the Google (or other) search engine. Just put HTML Tutorial in the search box. It looks hard, but it's fun when you get into it. Sometimes a member may offer to assist you with this, but we'd like to caution you on giving out your log-in information to someone you don't know well enough to trust with this information. And please do copy your journal to your own computer in a word.doc or other form to keep a copy. If you lose your information on your profile, ObesityHelp does not keep copies of your written profile. If you or another member deletes your journal notes - they are gone unless you have a copy to replace it.
We have step-by-step pictorial instructions posted here to assist you in journaling or writing in your profile: http://obesityhelp.com/content/howtoupdateprofile.html
If you need further assistance, please don't hesitate to let us know.
OH Staff