New Here

(deactivated member)
on 8/20/11 6:33 am
Thanks for into. I have been researching online and he seems like a good doctor. Just unsure if i would be able to travel that much with my fiancee working all the time and my daughter in school. Guess i'll just continue to pray and hope that all works out well, I refuse to get RNY or lapband. thanks again
(deactivated member)
on 8/20/11 12:52 am
Hi Jade!  Welcome!

Please listen to the experienced ladies here.  I am pre-op but what I have learned from them is immeasurable.  Feel free to ask any question but be prepared for some answers you may not like.  Just know that, like them or not, the answers are real and true. 

If you take away just one thing, take this:  choose your doctor wisely. 

Under no cir****tances should you go to a surgeon that is not "vetted".  Check out and ONLY chose a surgeon listed there.  And even then, do some research on this board about the surgeon you have chosen.  This is the most important decision you will make regarding this surgery.  Maybe the most important decision in your life, as we've seen play out here.

Best of luck in your journey!
(deactivated member)
on 8/20/11 6:34 am
Thank you :)
on 8/20/11 7:03 pm - New Orleans, LA
I am near New Orleans.  Email me privately for any information you may need.  You can see from my stats when and where I had my surgery.  There ARE DS surgeons in Louisiana, but...... a 9 hour road trip may be the best investment in foreign oil you will ever make, trust me. 

D U S T I N  

SW/BMI: 303#/50.4    CW/BMI: 162#/26.9 

Start your Journey @

