Breaking Down Nutrition Organization

About Us
Hi, I'm Dr. Susan Mitchell, your dietitian
Helping you be successful after weight loss surgery with a focus on nutrition. As a registered dietitian nutritionist I guide you on how to conquer cravings, emotional eating and weight regain with the weekly Bariatric Surgery Success podcast and digital nutrition course with live events, meal plans, fun easy recipes, cooking tips, snacks & more.
My passion is to show you how to use food and nutrition to feel better every day so you can do what you want to do. I believe you can make small and simple tweaks to the way you eat that can change the way you live, the way you sleep, and the way you play.
One of the first dietitians to jump feet first into the media world, I spent 19 years providing real-world nutrition guidance in words we all understand during drive time on Orlando's News & Talk 107.3 FM and 580 AM WDBO. From interviews with national talk radio personalities like Sean Hannity and consumer warrior Clark Howard, I’m known for my straight talk about nutrition, food, and fitness. Four years at WFTV Channel 9 in Orlando sharing Practicalories Point nutrition segments honed my skills in communicating the science of nutrition in useable tasty tidbits that work in your life every day.
Ultimately this lead to a career as a media dietitian, professional speaker, and author where I could answer your questions in a variety of formats. My work included six years as the media dietitian for Target/SuperTarget and co-author of three books including I’d Kill for a Cookie with interviews on Today, CNN, Fox, etc.
I learned about podcasting while doing my weekly drive-time radio segments which led me to host and produce the podcasts Breaking Down Nutrition for Medical Professionals, Breaking Down Nutrition, Beyond Bariatric Surgery, and the current Bariatric Surgery Success.
My years of experience in the media communicating nutrition information you can use sharpened my skills as a medical nutrition therapy telehealth provider enhancing patient engagement and success.
Over the years I've spoken at almost every type of venue from Fashion Week at Neiman Marcus to continuing education for medical professionals such as the annual Florida licensure course on Preventing Medical Errors in Dietetics Practice which I’ve taught for over 14 years with Dr. Catherine Christie.
Start your journey here with my freebie 6 Tips to Eat Mindfully
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