Tasha Saenz

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  • BMI 42.3
  • RNY on

Obesity & Me

Describe your behavioral and emotional battle with weight control before learning about bariatric surgery.

I have always been the girl who had it all...even after having 2 children as a teen. I had my oldest son at 18 (2001) and my second son at 19 (2003). It was not until I meet my now Husband Eddie and we settled down that I started to gain the weight , and really never ever loose it again. My husband and I met in late 2003 and fell in love. We moved in together in 2005 and began to start our family. We had our first son together in 2006 and the weight stayed. I did diets where I ate high protein, took vitamins, and took twice a week b12 shots...whiched worked, but the cost of maintaining that diet on a one family income made it hard to keep up with. I would try to start the same diet again every year at tax time (since that is when I had the money). I would stay on the diet for 2-3 months and loose about 25 pounds. I loved it and the energy that came with it. When the money was out and I had to put that money towards my bills or kids, I had to stop it. I had our last child, our daughter in 2009. I gain more weight and it stayed with me. I am also a stay at home mom and student in criminal justice. When I was working, I was moving, not eating all day long, and felt great. Staying at home all day long for the pass 7 years has taken its toll on my body. I am at the point where I am wanting to feel good, look good, and keep from getting diabetis which my mom and family has; along with high blood presure. I don't want those troubles, and I wanna be a healthy mom and wife. That is why I tried what I could on my own and realized I could not do it alone. Now, I taken the steps necessary to get my surgery taken care of and start living my life again for my family.

What was (is) the worst thing about being overweight?

Always feeling tired, never feeling like I didnt have any energy, wearing big clothes, and just not being able to become a cop which has been my dream from day one. My weight is holding me back from living my dream. I have my education, and now I need my weight in check.

If you have had weight loss surgery already, what things do you most enjoy doing now that you weren't able to do before?

Haven't had it done yet

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