L B.

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Obesity & Me

Describe your behavioral and emotional battle with weight control before learning about bariatric surgery.

I started to gain weight around 10 years old. I am the only child and instead of going out and playing I was spoiled with video games and candy. SO I ate and played games. I never really had any friends that came over. I as ALWAYS very shy and quiet... never wanting to be noticed....SO I kept eating and got very fat. Food was my friend. It was always there waiting for me after school to comfort me after I had been picked on by the mean girls at school. But as I got older I ate even when I wasnt sad or depressed.. I just ate and ate and ate...... I found out about the gastric bypass in my 20's but didnt consider it. I lost down to 153 after my fist child was born with alot of walking and lifting weights.. but it soon came back.. heck it was like I woke up one morning and was FAT all over again!! Then a few years ago, I heard about Lap Band... but wasnt sure if I wanted to do such a drastic measure to lose weight. I should be able to put my mind to it and lose it!... You would think huh? ...It never happened.

What was (is) the worst thing about being overweight?

Being looked at like I had a plague... . Everybody not wanting to stand beside you,..Stand back she stinks she is fat!!....People never never make eye contact because they were afraid I may talk to them.. God forbid they find out that I can be a funny person! ..Or find out that Im a very nice person! .... God forbid anybody be friends with that FAT girl!

If you have had weight loss surgery already, what things do you most enjoy doing now that you weren't able to do before?

Having my husband wrap his arms around me with no struggles and lifting me up !... and buying smaller sizes is a plus!!! I have been horseback riding and LOVED it!! So much fun!! I can also walk almost as fast as my dog does! HAHA

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