Should I take my medication the day of surgery?

I was recently put on High Blood pressure medication. My surgery is on December 1st and I am concerned about wether or not to take it the day of surgery. My dr. told me that the anesthesia lowers your blood pressure as it is. won't taking the medication make it even lower? Also, I wanted to know if anyone knows if there are any protein supplements in the form of pills I can take that would help me in getting the right amounts of protein. I would appreciate any input.    — Jodie R. (posted on November 19, 1999)

November 19, 1999
Jodie, My surgeon told me to take no medications the day of surgery. I was even taken off some the week prior. You had best call the office to get your surgeon's preferences on your medications. Some, I have been told I can never take again, and some, I can start only a month after surgery. Others, I began again as soon as I got home. Also, if you are taking an kinds of supplements, vitamin or herbal, be sure to tell the surgeon. I was also required to stop taking any herbs I was on. Best of luck to you!
   — Alice G.

November 19, 1999
Take the hypertension pills the same way you usually do, with a sip of water. Skipping them exposes you to high blood pressure, and the anesthesiologists are always more concerned with that than low blood pressure. It is always reccomended to take the usual meds, with a few exceptions like insulin and coumadin. Forget the protein pills, eat real foods like eggs milk meat tofu fish etc.
   — Bruce B.

January 1, 2000
I have been on high blood pressure medications for about 10 years. I was told not to take my Maxide before surgery on 12/28/99. I wasn't given it while in the hospital and don't expect to take it again. My blood pressure was great while I was in the hospital having it monitored CONSTANTLY. Haven't had it checked since I've been home.
   — Jeannie W.

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