Does everyone need a tummy tuck after wls?

I am 7 days away from wls and have been seeing alot about tummy tucks. Does everyone have one or have some people lost their weight and looked good without one? If so what did you do to get there? I know I have a long way to go but I am really looking forward to the future. Thanks, Shawn    — c .. (posted on June 11, 2003)

June 11, 2003
I don't know what your weight is but I am 5'1" and started out weighing 228.6 I only need to lose 30 more to reach my personal goal. I am 56 and have always looked haggard at leass than 140. My skin is only a little saggy. Nothing I can't live with. I thought it would be much worse at my age. So I will not be having PS. Even if i were younger with no more sag than I have, i woujldn't even consider it. Not everyone really needs it. It depends on several factors. Weight, age and skin condition. Also, exercise plays a part but i haven't excercised at all. Just my daily routine.
   — Delores S.

June 11, 2003
Hi Shawn! I don't think everyone has it done but the majority do. It is due to excess skin and, most insurance companies will pay for it after someone has had weightloss surgery. Me, personally, I do NOT have to have one. I have NO hanging skin whatsoever and I have lost 144 pounds in a little over 10 months. I am totally convinced that supplementing protein and excercising is key to elasticity. Also, grease up with lotion as much as possible even after surgery. This tends to give your skin some firmness, I think. I hope this helps and good luck in your journey, darlin. Erika
   — Egyptianeyesdiva

June 11, 2003
Hi, I went from 270 lbs to 125 lbs for 5'7" and I'm happy to say that my belly stretched right back and I have a flat tummy and even my arms tonned right back up, no surgery needed. On the other hand I'm sorry to say that I do seem to be the exception rather than the rule, I think it depends on where you carry your weight and on your skin, my weight was always pretty tighly tacked on and I always had a waist, even at my biggest...Hope this helps, good luck....Diane
   — Diane B.

June 11, 2003
There are some post-ops that must have tummy tucks due to excessive hanging skin causing medical problems, and others that have some hanging and just want to look their best. Some can get insurance to pay and others have to self-pay, and still others decide that what they have left is not bad enough to go the surgical route to change. I think the majority of people who have WLS either need a tummy tuck and other types of plastic surgery or desire it. As to how many actually get it, I don't know. It would be interesting to see some stats. As you can see from the other posters, there are some lucky ones who have good skin elasticity and bounce right back, but I don't see them as the majority.
   — Cindy R.

June 11, 2003
hiya! i am 5' 1/4" and pre op was 268lbs ..currently about 124lbs. medically i don't feel i need plastic surgery. yes i have "bat wings" and hanging skin on my tummy but its not bad. i exercise a lot. i have pics on my site : there are some people who need plastic surgery but i don't. good luck on your surgery! {{hugs}} kate
   — jkb

June 11, 2003
Did I "NEED" a TT? No. However I did have one 6 weeks ago. I did not have a lot of "hanging" skin. They actually only removed two pounds of skin, which is a very small amount for a TT. But I did have four children. I had a lot of stretch marks and my tummy was on the squishy side. I went from a size 24 to a 4 in the first 6 months. I personally wanted that final touch. My after picture in my profile is before my TT. If you would like to see before and after pics of the TT shoot me an email and I will send them to you.
   — Linda A.

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