I cannot stand the protien powder mixes. Is there a protien pill that I could take?

   — Snowflake_Princess (posted on April 7, 2003)

April 7, 2003
I can't say about the pills - but have you tried Unjury? I heard it was suppose to be "good" for the powders. Good luck.
   — 2doOrnot2do

April 7, 2003
I could have written this question. I hate the powders but have found a good protein drink at GNC. It is called Ultra Pure and comes pre mixed in a can. I like the chocolate but it comes in strawberry, banana and cappaciono too. Good luck
   — Stacey F.

April 7, 2003
Why don't yo give Isopure-Zero Carbs a try. . . . 20 ounces 160 cal. and 40 grms of protein. It taste like Koolaid. It is a bit pricey . .. but I get at the Vitamin SHoppes ofr $2.63. Good Luck! Michele:) 59 days until I become a Loser!
   — Michele D.

April 7, 2003
The dietician who taught the classes I had to go to as a pre-op was very insistent that we should not consume any calorie-containing beverages and that most definitely included any protein shakes. I have used them, but mostly when I was finally able to start eating again and they were given to me in a skilled nursing facility I was in. Having said all that, I do use them occasionally, and have found that ProCel and UpCalD are both tolerable to me. They can be mixed into any drink that you like (I use Crystal Light) and don't alter the taste of whatever you mix them into.
   — garw

April 7, 2003
Which have you tried? How'd you make 'em up? There's not a pill that can deliver a reasonable amount of protien yet. Usually 3 pills = 1g, so to get 60g, you'd take 180 pills. Not a pretty picture. There are literally hundreds of choices of good quality powders out there. Perhaps you're making them too concentrated or too diluted?
   — vitalady

April 7, 2003
GNC sells a friut beverage, comes in many differenht flavors, is thin, mixes with juice or straight, has 40 grams of protien per bottle, it is a bit pricey but if you can not drink the shakes it is something. once you can doctor up the powders the yare not too bad, well some are vile!!! on the gallery section they have reviews, it might help, and get samples that helps too! good luck
   — janetc00

April 7, 2003
GNC sells a friut beverage, comes in many differenht flavors, is thin, mixes with juice or straight, has 40 grams of protien per bottle, it is a bit pricey but if you can not drink the shakes it is something. once you can doctor up the powders the yare not too bad, well some are vile!!! on the gallery section they have reviews, it might help, and get samples that helps too! good luck
   — janetc00

April 7, 2003
I am 3 weeks post op. I found some really good recipes for protein shakes. Check out for some great recipes for protein shakes. Also found some good ones on Spotlight Health, under wls recipes. So far my favorite is Orange Cremescle-8 oz diet orange soda (let it go flat),2 scoops of vanilla protein, equal, sugar free vanilla flavoring(used in coffee,walmart has brand DaVinci),ice, mix well in blender. also had root beer float- use choc protein w/ diet rootbeet, sugar free hazlenut flavoring, equal. try these! I am waiting to try some of the fruit ones in a few week when I can have fruit. Hope this helps...
   — Cheryl B.

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