What can we do if a pill feels like it has gotten stuck in our throat?

   — [Anonymous] (posted on January 18, 2002)

January 18, 2002
I had this happen to me at just over one week out. It HURTS!!! My doc told me to slowly drink water until the pill is pushed through. If the water backs up your esophogus, or if you throw the water up and the pill stays there, get into an emergency room right away. I was able to wash my pill through, but I had extreme pain, and five days of bloody stools because of the tear it made in the stoma. Now I have to go in to have a stricture repaired because I forced it through with water instead of going to the hospital. Trust me, the pain doesnt end once it is unstuck from the stoma... it hurst in your small intestine for several hours after... For the least amount of pain and fear, IMHO, get thee to a hospital, NOW!! Good Luck!
   — Sharon H.

January 18, 2002
Oh, dear, this is something that just makes me cringe just thinking about it. I'm pre-op and my PCP will give me liquid pre-natal vitamins (on prescription) and I found a liquid Calcium Citrate/ Magnesium/Vitamin D that I plan to use the first month. I take other vitamins now (Vit C, Vit E, Vit B+, and Lysine) but I won't worry about those until I'm four weeks out. I do appreciate the information on unsticking a pill, though, but I just hope it doesn't happen to me. Nina
   — [Deactivated Member]

July 7, 2002
I had this problem too. It was very painful. I crushed my pill, but it tasted so bad that I left some lumps to keep from tasting it. I could feel it going down and throat and I felt it when it hit the spot that goes in the pouch. It just tumbled and tumbled in that spot. No matter what I did it would not go down. I finally threw it up. I dinn't take my medicine like that again. I went to my PCP and he gave me my allergy medicine in a nasel spray. I don't know why they don't just do this before your surgery. I didn't even think about this happening till it happened. I had to go on the hormone patch also. Get your Dr. to address these problems BEFORE your surgery. They can put you on liquid forms till you can take your pills again.
   — Regina F.

April 4, 2003
I had a terrible time getting my vitamins in after surgery. I hated the chewables and choked on the multi-vitamins and still wsn't getting enough nutrition. I researched the internet and found a great liquid natural supplement called Seasilver and I absolutely love it. I take nothing else and have never felt better in my life. I have increased energy, the skin tone of young girl even though I am over 56 and it stopped my hair loss. If you are interested, check out my website and check it out for yourself. If you have questions about this issue, contact me at [email protected] and I'll be happy to share my experience with you. Good luck to you.
   — Connie T.

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