Liquid portion of post op

I will be on liquids for the next 2 weeks or so. For breakfast I will have an 8oz. cup of chicken broth, and sip on an 8 of fruith20. I know that you are not suppossed to drink with your meal - but if I'm on a liquid diet and I'm drinking my meal all I'm doing is adding variety to the meal right? Well, my stomach grumbles all the time. Sometimes it is gas - but most of the time it is hunger - but I don't want anything. Why is this happening and what should I do?    — K T. (posted on September 1, 2001)

September 1, 2001
My stomach grumbled a lot in the beginning too, and I was hungry, not just head hunger, but real hunger. I think a lot has to do with the 'old' stomach, it hasn't gotten used to the idea that it's not needed anymore. Try drinking your meal, in this case chicken broth, wait about 30 - 45 minutes and then resume sipping fruit20 or other liquids. You'll have to get used to this procedure anyway when you start eating pureed and real food. This will allow the broth to stay in your stomach a little longer instead of getting washed downstream so fast. Also, if your doctor allows protein drinks they will fill you up fast and calm your hunger for hours. Now I'm about 2 months post-op and I only get hungry just before a meal while eating 2-3 times a day. Hang in there, it sounds like you're doing fine. Time does heal and it will get better!
   — Lori W.

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