I contacted Ohio's about WLS.....

They said they don't do anything with that type of problem. They basically only assist you if you are blind, deaf, or severely mentally ill. Now what do I do?    — [Anonymous] (posted on August 13, 2001)

August 13, 2001
hi, i am a voc rehab patient. i have been approved and my surgery is august 27. i had absolutely no probs getting approved. i live in Mississippi. i was told that besides weight you had to have some type of medical problem that is hurting your work performance or keeping you from working. something that losing weight will cure or make much better. my only problems are SEVERE back pain 24 hours a day which means i hardly ever sleep anymore because of the pain which means i cant concentrate at work, and very bad leg swelling from sitting at a desk all day. i think you should look further into voc rehab. make an appt with them and go in and talk. i suppose all states may be different, but i dont see how they can just exclude you without talking to you first. voc rehab is supposed to be a place that helps anyone with a disability and i consider myself just that. please feel free to email me at [email protected] and i will be more than happy to go into detail about this with you. good luck!
   — Trisha W.

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