What would be my reason for needing a bipap instead of a cpap

I think that nurse has called me about the cpap. I know that I can't sleep with it on. I know that it takes my breath and that I can't roll over when I sleep with it. Plus I can't stand the company who provides it. And my doctor feels that a bipap would work better. Now I'm afraid to say something to the insurance people as they may not think the same way and I'll be stuck with a machine that doesn't work. What should I say to her?    — K T. (posted on July 20, 2001)

July 21, 2001
cpap gives the positive pressure on inhalation bipap gives the pressure on both inhalation and exhaling They take some getting used to, but the pay off is wonderful, more energized, no more being tired all day and wanting to nap, headaches gone!
   — Jeanne P.

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