What does the pain in the new stomach

I am three weeks post-op (Lap. RNY) and everything was fine until yesterday. I ate a few bites of grits last night about 5:00 pm and I didn't measure them, so I could have simply eaten too much. However, at 6:15 pm I drank some water and took my vitamins and three tums. Almost immediately I felt sick and began to hurt in my "chest" - I guess the new stomach. I had to lie down for about 30 minutes - almost threw up several times, but couldn't. Then I didn't eat anything else until morning. I tried to drink a carnation instant breakfast (sugar free) which I have been drinking for three weeks with no trouble. I couldn't drink much of it. I've been sipping water all day, and finally tried a small can of V-8 juice (which I have been drinking with no problems). After about half of it I got that same hurting, but no nausea. It went away after about 30 minutes. Kind of feels like I thought dumping would feel, but I haven't had sugar or fat. Is this normal or could it mean my "Stoma" has closed too tight? I sure hate to have to go back to the doctor for another procedure. In fact, I'm scared to death at the thoughts of it. All my family has been so supportive, but they've just been waiting to see what might go wrong. I hope they are not right about this. Please help me!! Do I just need to be patient and give it some more time? How can you tell if you need to have the endoscope and balloon down the pouch? I sure hope this is not the case.    — Rhonda H. (posted on May 30, 2001)

May 30, 2001
Just wanted to let you know I did the same thing with grits. It felt better after a day or so and I have stayed away from them ever since. Open Rny 5-15-01 now down 12 pounds
   — Robin C.

May 30, 2001
Sounds like you either drank too fast. That's exactly what it feels like to me when I either gulp liquid or don't chew the food to mush. Are your vitamins chewable or do you swallow them whole?
   — Betty Todd

June 1, 2001
I've had that same exact feeling, and for me, I've learned that I must wait a minimum of two hours before I drink after eating. When I resume drinking, I take a small sip and I wait to see if it has gone down okay before I drink more. If you need to wait, do it. You'll be able to drink in a little while when your pouch has emptied. If you try to push things along, you will get that sick feeling. It's easier and less painful to wait until I'm absolutely sure that I can drink without pain before I start up again.
   — Peter S.

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