Does anyone have any post-op experiences about eating out while at DisneyWorld?

I am having my RNY this June (only 35 days to go!). My situation is this. My husband and I will be going to Disney in December (just over 5 months post-op). Can anyone share their post-op experiences with eating out (and on the run) in Disney? I know they have good food - I was just their in October - but what success have you had on the post-op diet? Any information would help. Thanks!    — heidiinPA (posted on May 17, 2000)

May 17, 2000
Heidi, While I have never been to Disney postop- I am 4 months post op and haven't had any trouble eating out! For breakfast, you can get eggs (egg beaters is low fat and high protein), for lunch and dinner, you can order any chicken breast- either sandwich or dinner. I travel every weekend for soccer games and I have even eaten at Subway- I just eat the meat (protein) 1st and fill in if I have room with the bread. You will be fine- have fun!!!!
   — M B.

May 17, 2000
Me too, Heidi! I had open proximal RNY, divided, with gall bladder removal, on July 29th of last year. My reward trip was 8 days in Disney World at the beginning of December. Eating out was a piece of cake! I was able to eat whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted it. I got up pretty early to take my meds and let my body...ummmm...settle itself. Some mornings we ate cereal and bagels in our room, others we went to breakfast. Wherever we went to eat, there was always something on the menu that I could reliably order and tolerate. You just need to be careful and stick to whatever you know is working for you. One thing I did do was carry my water and a few snack items with me for just in case. Never needed them, though! Have a great trip!
   — Jaye C.

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