
I can't find a lot of info on this site regarding lipo, but am definitely researching/looking into it. Basically, I have flabby everything, esp. arms and thighs. Has any postie had it? If so, what were your results? Any and all tips and insight would be appreciated...    — rebeccamayhew (posted on July 1, 2005)

July 1, 2005
I don't see where lipo would do us any good at all. It is not "Fat" that is shaking and jiggling on us anymore it is Loose skin, and the loose skin must be removed and tightened. That takes Plastic surgery and lots of money.
   — cindirella

July 2, 2005
Lipo by itself can actually make things worse because the problem is extra skin that used to be filled with fat. It's only going to get saggier if you take out the remaining fat. The only remedy for extra skin is to remove it.
   — Beatrice C.

July 2, 2005
I agree with the other responses here, I talked to my Dr. and he said Sweetheart, that is lose skin, only way is to cut it off. Sorry, if this not what you want to here.
   — dee145

July 2, 2005
Hi Rebecca: I just went through your profile, and I mean I went through it! The only thing I have to add to the other responses is the observation that you've gained back 20 lbs. and it wouldn't be worthwhile for you to pay for plastic surgery until you've not only reached your goal weight but maintained it for at least 6 months. In the meantime, not only cardio exercise but weightlifting can do wonders for toning up a lot. True, it won't remove excess skin, but it can definitely minimize the jiggle factor. All the best, Lauralyn 5'9" Lap RNY 2/13/03 @ size 3X, now size 8
   — EmbodySuccess

July 4, 2005
Thanks to those of you who took the time to respond...It's a conundrum for me, as to what I should do...While I can swing 7k or so for lipo, I just can fathom $20k for a tummy tuck/arm lift. I know I can get these 10 sneaky lbs. off (I am actually okay with myself in the low 150s zone) myself, but just can't help but feel that lipo would definitley tighten it all up even more. I think I'm gonna go for it. I do exercise, just not enough to really tighten up. Bad, huh?
   — rebeccamayhew

July 5, 2005
Exercise won't tighten up loose skin, only the muscle underneath. It might be very disappointing to drop $7K on lipo only to find you look no better, only different (or maybe even worse) without excess skin removal. In your shoes, I'd go out and get 2-3 consults with different PS and see what they say they could accomplish without excess skin removal. Ask for pics of patients who lost a lot of weight, as much as you, who only had lipo and no excess skin removal . . . don't accept "after" pics of folks who were never as big as we were to begin with, for whom a little lipo alone might produce very different results. I can see the problem with coming up with another $13K (though my LBL, all self-pay, cost $10K). But I could also see being pretty danged teed off if $7K bought me no benefits. But in my case -- you may certainly be different of course! -- lipo alone would've been a total waste of money.
   — Suzy C.

July 5, 2005
Rebecca- I seriously hoope there isn't a plastic surgeon out there who will take your money for lipo and tell you that it's going to improve the frirmness of your skin. That's just ISNT POSSIBLE. Period. End of story. YOu can spend the $7K and it will be a waste. Save your $7K and put it towards the $$$ you'll need for the right surgery to fix your problems. Most reputable surgeons will give you a fair price for doing multiple surguries, and you may get some insurance coverage if you have any medical necessity or hernias. Good luck- I know how you feel- but I'd hate to see you waste your money and time.

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