How much drained from your JP Drain?

How much drained from your JP drain? My daughter is 4 days post op and at first nothing came out and now it is 100cc every couple of hours. Her Dr was not concerned and discharged her from the hospital. Otherwise everything is fine no fever or excessive pain.    — jenafwife (posted on November 8, 2004)

November 8, 2004
I am probably not the one to ask since my drains were removed before I left the hospital both after my lap rny and my abdominoplasty. I have heard however, that many have been like your daughter and it is considered very normal.
   — Fixnmyself

November 9, 2004
Hi.. I wish your daughter luck. I too had a lot of drainage from my JP drain. I drained over 400 cc daily and was told it was normal. My surgeon said as long as there was no fever, pain, nausea, etc. it was ok. He said he would rather leave it in than chance an abcess. I totally agreed! He left it in for 2 weeks. It finally slowed down about 13 days post op and it was removed 15 days post op. Your daughter is very lucky to have someone watching out for her. Best of luck! Joann M RNY 10/20/04
   — JoannM

November 10, 2004
Just think of it as the fat draining from her body, so the more the better!!! Good luck to your daughter.
   — catleth

November 11, 2004
(The drainage isn't fat.) But, it is very good to have the fluid draining. Otherwise it may build up in pockets under the skin and cause other problems (like infection), and need to be aspirated. I agree that the drains are a big pain in the patooty, but they serve a very good function. After my plastic surgery, I had seven drains, and came home with five of them. Some of them drained quite a lot of fluid for many weeks. I did end up with swelling and infection in an area where one had been taken out earlier. Just take good care of the drains--empty them often and keep them clean.
   — Vespa R.

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