What is a

I'm really wondering...just what is a "normal life"? I don't quite feel that I have attained the "normal" status as yet because I still have these cravings and foods issues. I wonder if I'll ever become, what some members say "normal"~~ I'm very much interested in getting there, but this may seem strange, I'm not altogether sure if I'll ever be normal...perhaps I still need a little help on this? How are some of you feeling? I'm interested in knowing if anyone else feels this way or have you reached normality and living a "normal life" yet? Do you feel that you are living a *normal life* now since WLS...Why or why not? Proximal LAP RNY 9/3/02 5'2" 265/138/115-126 Hadiyah, a.k.a.~~    — yourdivaness (posted on February 1, 2004)

February 1, 2004
I understand how you feel. I am 6 years out and I'm pretty sure I will never really be normal. Just because we have our insides "re-routed", it doesn't eliminate the emotional issues associated with why alot of overweight people overeat. I guess I will always struggle with the desire to eat when I am sad or just plain having a bad day. I guess that's why I check out this website so often. It's good to know there are others with similar issues. Hang in there, I think all we can do is just keep truckin on.
   — issymudd

February 1, 2004
I was having this conversation with my husband just last night! I was saying that as sad as it is, I think I'm coming to the realization that I will never be 'normal'. I think it was Michelle Curran who I first heard say (read) that obesity is a disease that we put into remission with WLS...but, that we will always have the disease, and always have to be on guard against relapses. At first, I thought it was just a good analogy. But, the more time goes by, I realize just how true it is. I am now one year post-op and am still an obese woman in a thinner body. And no matter how much weight I ever lose (yes, I am still in quest of those last 10-15 pounds)...I will still be obese! Boy, is that a hard one to pun intended! I may look 'thin' on the outside but, on the inside I still struggle with wanting to run back to my old I may only be able to eat about 1 cup of food at a time but, I still struggle with wanting to eat that 1 cup of food 10+ times a day on some days...or every time I get stressed or depressed. For me, surgery has cured the outward symptom of my obesity...but, it sure hasn't cured the inner, driving force, behind those outward symptoms. I keep wondering if some counceling might help or if this is just one I'm going to have to tough out and learn from as I go.
   — eaamc

February 2, 2004
Skinny people aren't normal either. They abuse alcohol, drugs, sex, food, etc etc. Our probelms are just easier to see when we're overweight.
   — mrsmyranow

February 2, 2004
It depends on what you mean... If being normal means being able to run with our children without passing out, or being able to walk without feeling pain in our joint, or being able for people not picking on you because of your size....Or not having chest pain and so on... Well Now I feel normal. But if you mean dealing with issues in our lives like, diet,emotions, addiction, love.... Well I don't think surgery will cure this. HMMMM What is normal???? My daughter is a size 4, shapely and beautiful and she still doesn't like herself. So, none of us are normal. But on the funny side....ME, myself to be truly normal would be to have so much money I'll get tire of counting it........But hey that's
   — Rebe W.

February 2, 2004
I have "normal", thin friends w/ food issues and cravings too. They just manage them better than I did before WLS. I don't think having ongoing cravings and food issues as "abnomal", I think it's pretty common and doesn't go away for lots of us. It's just easier to manage now.
   — mom2jtx3

February 2, 2004
In a way I feel normal at 2 years post-op because I look normal on the outside and eat normal sized portions (what thin people eat). I shop in normal clothing stores and wear a normal size. I do normal things like climb stairs without being out of breath or slipping in to a booth or theater seat without wondering if I will fit. I'm normal because of the tool, but there is a part of me that will never be normal and thats my rerouted intestines which normal non WLS people do not have. I still have food issues and have to struggle at times with them, but you know what, normal people do too. My body builder husband has to occasionally cut back on his food intake and up his exercise when his clothes get a little tight. This is what normal people do.
   — Cindy R.

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