Am I eating too much?

Tomorrow I will be 6 months out and have lost 92 pounds. The thing is lately I sure do seem to be able to eat alot more. For lunch, it's usually a small green salad and half of a small chili from Wendy's. Breakfast is usually either a small cup (maybe 4 oz.) of cheese grits or half of a ham and cheese sandwich. Supper is usually a couple of bites of whatever the family is having. (I have been cravig RICE for some reason). Throughout the day, I snack on beef jerky and an occasional small bag of chips. I drink around 48 oz. of water daily. I know I've lost most of what I will and I'm worried. Does this sound odd to you?    — chippywah (posted on October 28, 2003)

October 28, 2003
You seem to be eating about the right amounts. The only thing that I would question is the chips. You would be better trying to snack on something with protein - even cheese crackers would be better than chips. I usually snack on jerky or nuts or a protein bar.
   — Patty_Butler

October 28, 2003
I wouldnt worry too much, i also am about 5 months out and worry that i can eat too much but just keep working out and i found that if i dont leave any food sitting next to me at work than i dont eat it, and beef jerky is my best friend and it has tons of protein, but its better to just eat at meals, maby a small piece if your starving, but drinking all that water chances are your not hungry your just board, or feel like you should be eating. I find that i start feeling like crap, like im not gonna loose a single pound more when i snack all day, just get it out of your face, make it a pain in the butt to go get and you wont snack soo much i promise amber tomhave
   — ambertomhave

October 28, 2003
Janet- You are the only person who knows if you are done with your weight loss; if you are happy with where you are, and you are healthy, then don't stress about it. If you are still trying to drop some more weight, I would stop eating chips and would chose protein foods for breakfast (like an omelette). At six months out, my appetite increased (it is a fairly normal issue) and I was very nervous that the increased (but still small) amounts of food I was eating would undermine my effots. It really does take some time to adjust as your digestive system returns to some semblance of normal. But, by questioning where you are heading, you are well on your way to establishing a lifetime of healthy eating habits. Good luck.
   — SteveColarossi

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