I have lost too much weight. The weight will not stop. HELP!!!

   — Egyptianeyesdiva (posted on August 11, 2003)

August 11, 2003
WOW YOU LOOK AWESOME! So please post your start weight, present weight and roughly how much your eating. You can stop the loss at any time. By eating more carbs, more meals, and drinking with meals. Be alert I got a bit low and now fight regain. Getting too low I picked up some bad eating habits. Please tell us more and update your profile. <P> There are LOTS of members who wish they had your problem.
   — bob-haller

August 11, 2003
I hope I look as good as you do after I have my surgery. You look wonderful from the pictures you posted on line. Great job.
   — Cynthia D.

August 11, 2003
Bob, that answer is not like you. Telling a person who is having trouble keeping up their weight to just eat more is not much different than telling us to eat less. There seems to be a few who can't stop losing and it is a very serious problem. What does Dr. W tell you to do about this. I understand that he is a very caring surgeon. He must have some options for you.
   — faybay

August 11, 2003
Your pix look great. Have you had your thyroid checked?
   — mary P.

August 11, 2003
Erika, talk to your surgeon or nutritionist. How much are you working out?
   — mrsmyranow

August 11, 2003
Erika, I agree, your pictures look wonderful. Faye has also asked a good question, what does the doctor say? Does he have any advice for you? From what I have read, in order to stop losing and perhaps gain some weight back, which is what you are trying to do, you need to reverse the pouch rules. Drink WITH meals, eat more frequently, higher calorie items (try juices/drinks with calories, like milkshakes and graze. Its still a calories game and you are apparently not taking in enough calories to maintain your weight or to gain some.
   — Cindy R.

August 11, 2003
Ruth my advice is the generally acceptable answer when folks report they are getting too thin. Provided the person is able to eat!S he looks so good I doubt she has a stricture for example and cant eat at all. I bottomed too low and now fight regain, We really need to know more!
   — bob-haller

August 11, 2003
I actually had the same concern when I was about 1 1/2 yrs out. I asked my surgeon and he also said to just eat more. Of course, I was ABLE to eat. I started drinking a little with meals and eating more carbs. I have maintained at this weight for some time. I read your profile and it seems you are 5'6" snd weigh 140 and wear a size 4/6. Your 1 year anniversary was 10 days ago and you appeared to be doing great!! I would recommend reversing the pouch rules. (In fact, that is one of the suggestions listed on them to stop weight loss). Good luck! You really do look great. I don't think you look too thin, at all! Shelley
   — Shelley.

August 11, 2003
I am 5'7" and weigh about 138. I was afraid I was too thin. Mainly because other people said so. I like me at this weight. I was afraid I would have trouble stopping my loss also. As Bob Haller said , more carbs will help put a stop to your weight loss. You don't need to eat larger amounts of food. Just more carbs should do it. But you do need to get a check up and make sure there are no under lying health problems. Good luck.
   — Rose A.

August 11, 2003
I had the same concerns as you...I met with my nutritionist and was told to eat more often and to eat more protein and carbs. Once I started doing that the loss came to a screaching halt. yea!! But now if I don't keep up the eating..I will keep losing. Best of luck to you. 5'7" 130-135. 22mos post op
   — RebeccaP

August 11, 2003
As a pre-op, I have no words of wisdom, only a compliment... WOW..I think you look AWESOME!!!!
   — [Deactivated Member]

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