Hi all! Yesterday I called my MD because of severe back and pouch pain. She said that

it was probably an ulcer caused by my coke and ice tea drinking.I now know that I have to cut out the caffiene and the carbonated drinks. I know the pouch rules, but can someone tell me more definate no nos.For example, no asprin products, ect. Thanks!!    — darlene B. (posted on February 28, 2003)

February 28, 2003
No the answer to your question, but another question that could help you or others no share what I have been through. Do you still have your gallbladder? I went through six weeks of severe pains and misdiagnosed "gas" before I had what turned out to be a severely diseased gallbladder removed on Monday.
   — Julie S.

February 28, 2003
The "no's" need to come from your surgeon. They all differ. My surgeon has patients take Aspirin 81 mg daily for 3 weeks after surgery. I also take an NSAID, Vioxx as needed and he said Ibuprofen was okay, as needed. I have coffee nearly every day, and have since about a month post RNY. I did pretty much cut out carbonated drinks, but that was not a poblem because I kind of stopped liking them a few years ago, but even that is allowed at 6 weeks post op. Again, check with YOUR surgeon!
   — koogy

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