Anyone else get the flu soon after surgery?

I'm 3 weeks post-op and I think I'm coming down with the flu........anyone else get to enjoy this lovely sequence of events their first few weeks post-op? I know my body's defenses are down (and I've already gotten the "SEE?!?!? This surgery wasn't good for you, you aren't eating and your health is going to suffer!!!" lecture from a "well-meaning" colleague) and that it's probably trying to heal and didn't notice this nasty germ....BUT any suggestions for fighting this thing? I adore you guys and thank you for listening to my kevetching! :-)    — Karen K. (posted on October 23, 2002)

October 23, 2002
I didn't have the flu, but I did have a sinus infection and bronchitis about a month post-op. My surgeon and my ENT both said it was totally unrelated to the surgery. A round of antibiotics did the trick and I have been great since except that I am now getting a sinus infection (I get them every fall). I am 11 months post-op and haven't regretted this surgery for a single moment.
   — Patty_Butler

October 23, 2002
I had a terrible case of the stomach flu about 7 weeks after surgery...right around Christmas time. It was not fun, but I tried to stay hydrated as best as I could. Kept sipping on flat diet ginger ale. Got sick several times and didn't hold anything down. It only lasted about 36 hours and was gone. It was not fun, but just try to stay hydrated as best as you can..that is the most important thing.
   — Marcie B.

October 23, 2002
I had the flu a week after surgery. Oh, it was sooo horrible. And when that got better, I had a both are terrible, but there is a difference.
   — Vicki L.

October 23, 2002
No colds or flu until NOW lol but I did have seasonal hay fever and sneezing was a real pain - literally! I also developed a cough (normal) from the sinus drainage. I took (and am taking now for bronchitis) Diabetic Tussin (Or Diabetic Robitussin). Tastes nasty and I suggest adding a pinch of splenda to it, but it works really REALLY well! Another great home remedy to chase away a flu or cold bug is peroxide - put 2 or 3 drops in each ear...wait for the bubbling to stop and drain. You can read more about this at if you're interested.
   — [Deactivated Member]

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