does anyone have problems with night grazing?

Nights before bed are the worse for me I want to eat eat eat, even though Im not hungry, I have tried going for walks, treadmill, and all I can think about the last week is munching, does anyone else have this problem, or has anyone solved this problem, It is driving me nuts    — Jeri P. (posted on June 19, 2002)

June 19, 2002
Take a protein drink before you go to bed. Good for you and works on the hunger even though it is head hunger. good luck and God Bless!
   — Kimberly L.

June 19, 2002
I also was having a night grazing problem. I fixed it by having a small peice of beef jerky(high in protein and low in everything else important)and then make sure to drink my water. It gives you a small snack without being really bad. GOOD LUCK!
   — Shannon L.

June 19, 2002
yes, night grazing is so hard for me! I have a little head hunger sometimes during the day, but nite is the hardest sometimes. I too try to stick to mostly protein and stay away from the carbs. I like to eat that fake crab meat stuff sometimes in the evening for a snack.
   — Lisa F.

June 20, 2002
Jeri, my goodness, you are describing me! I have the worst urge to just eat,eat,eat from about 9 pm until 11 or 12. I have given in to it, but try to choose healthy (pretty much so) munchie foods, like soy chips, nuts, SF ice cream bars, popcorn, pickles and mini cookies. I try to limit to 2 snacks between those time periods and figure that 1/4 of a bag of popcorn or two mini bite size cookies or 1 pickle spear is better than what I used to munch on! But it is in the head, and perhaps counseling will help to resolve. I plan to do that soon.
   — Cindy R.

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