I'm 10 months post-op; can I take NSAIDs now?

I am 10 months post-op now and can eat approximately 1500 calories/day now. My doctor said my stomach is probably about the size it's going to be for the rest of my life. My question is, will I ever be able to take ibuprofen and other anti-inflammatories again? They have always worked better for my headaches than aspirin. I was told originally that the reason you can't take NSAIDs after WLS is because the stomach is too tiny/fragile, and you could get bleeding ulcers. Is this still the case now that I'm 10 months post-op and my stomach's not as small?    — Terissa R. (posted on December 28, 2001)

December 28, 2001
Not sure what to say - I would ask my doctor if you think it's important for you to take these. My doctor provided me a list of things I could/couldn't do at One Month, Three Months, Six Months, One Year, and NEVER. These drugs were on his "never" list. I take tylenol... I figure if/when I need an anti-inflamatory, I'll ask if there is something (RX??) I can take... Best of luck to you. Open RNY 7/17/01.
   — blee01

December 28, 2001
My surgeon also says NEVER to NSAIDS. You should contact your doctor..see what he says.
   — mastrnservnt

December 28, 2001
What does NASAIDs stand for? Is Advil in that category? Thanks,
   — Betty Todd

December 28, 2001
My surgeon said I would never be able to take Non steriodial Anti Inflamatories, however he did ok Vioxx and other cox inhibitors, such as Celebrex. But Motrin, Advil and Aleve are out as I have been told after this surgery.
   — Karen Renee

December 28, 2001
I was told I could take vioxx if I took Mylanta before I took it so it would coat my stomach. I have read many other sites on here and many are taking Celebrex also. These are both antiflamatoid drugs, but are suppose to be easier on your stomach. I would talk to your Dr. first. ;-)
   — Kathy H.

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