Even if I filed Bankruptcy doesn't my surgeon still have to see me for post op care?

I paid half and filed the rest on my Bankruptcy. I feel bad about it but I didn't have a choice. Now my surgeon is making a stink about follow up care.    — [Anonymous] (posted on October 16, 2001)

October 16, 2001
While I can sympathize with the financial situation, I will have to say that I can see the surgeon's point. Maybe he feels that this was your plan all along. Actually, I am surprised that he only had you pay half. Because of people like you, he and other surgeons will require FULL payment up front. The surgeon probably feels that he has provided enough care to cover the amount that you have paid. I think that I would feel very uncomfortable with him at any post op appointment knowing that I have not covered the cost. No, I don't think that you can expect him to provide follow up. You didn't keep YOUR end of the deal.
   — [Anonymous]

October 16, 2001
Im sorry for your situation. I dont know what state you are in, but I believe your doctor is responsible for certain areas of your post op care. You can consult with your state dept of health office. You might also consider offering to pay by the visit for office visits.Just a thought.
   — Sue T.

October 16, 2001
I won't comment on whether or not your doctor has the moral, legal or ethical right to refuse you post op care. I will however recommend to you that you find a very good PCP to monitor your levels and answer any questions that you may have. I was my primary doctor's first patient to undergo the RNY. Since then, he has done extensive research on it and has offered the idea to many of his MO patients. If my surgeon fell of the face of the earth tomorrow, I'd be disappointed. At the same time, I hold a lot of confidence in my PCP.
   — Jeannet

October 16, 2001
I have nothing against people that file banckruptcy. It is something many many people have to do. But as with most bancruptcy's , they take your credit cards and lines of credit away since you can't pay, correct? Well basically when you have surgery and don't pay for it all at once, your surgeon is extending you a "line of credit", expecting payment afterwards. When you file bankruptcy, a magic fairy doesn't pop out and pay him the remainder you owed, basically he gets stiffed. If you owned a business, and someone didn't pay you what they owed, would you still offer services to them, I doubt it, I know I wouldn't. He has every right to refuse you service. My advice, find a doc that can do your labs and keep an eye on your basic health. Your surgeon probably finds your wanting after care insulting after you didn't pay him.
   — [Anonymous]

October 16, 2001
I don't the he has to provide you care at all. I don't even know if you could challenge that legally. I wish you luck.
   — Dawn R.

October 16, 2001
I would find myself another surgeon for follow up care. This surgeon didn't get his money and doesn't want to follow up; his choice. But, to be honest, would you want someone that isn't moral enough to see you because of your financial problems not allowing him to buy that new benz this month.? Find yourself another surgeon and tell them your situation. Get your follow up from that surgeon.
   — [Anonymous]

October 19, 2001
I work for an attorney, we specialize in Chapter 7 bankruptcy, which is what I assume you did. You have the right to list the doctor as a creditor, and really, you MUST list him as a creditor if you owe him money. You can still opt to pay him, even a few dollars a month in order for him to agree to keep providing you with post surgical care, but he would be under no obligation to do so, just as if you were working for someone who stopped paying you and then expected you to continue to work for them without pay! LOL! Anyway, it seems like you might be better off finding someone who would treat you without prejudice! Good Luck!
   — donnalawbabe

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