I want to feel back to normal

I'm almost 3 months after surgery, I've lost 54 pounds so far. when people ask "how are you feeling" I really want to say Great!!! But I feel very run down and not back to normal. I'm taking all my vitiams, I've been throwing up more in the past 3 weeks then I have so far. I'm not sure what the problem is. Any ideas??? I just can't seem to get out of my own way these days. HELP!!!!    — Terri H. (posted on September 27, 2001)

September 27, 2001
I would go for a blood test. You may be low in something that your new diet and vitamins are not addressing... such as iron, potassium or even may need a B-12 shot. At 3 months out I thought I was well enough to go visit Disneyland- but it was hard, I got tierd very easily even though I felt a lot better that I did the previous two months.... at 5 months out, I could honestly say- 'I feel normal'.
   — Karen R.

September 27, 2001
Please see your doctor as soon as possible. I had lab work done every two months for the first year after my surgery. You might have an iron or a b12 deficiency. Also, if you are vomiting a lot you might be dehydrated. Get yourself checked out.
   — [Anonymous]

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