Can you have popcorn, strawberries or peanuts ever again? If so how soon?

   — Monica N. (posted on March 13, 2003)

March 13, 2003
hiya...i had these around 3 months post op or so...check with your surgeon and see what they say. {{hugs}} kate
   — jkb

March 13, 2003
I just had popcorn at about 6 months post op and no problems actually a great snack. I had strawberries and peanuts about 4 months post op. Good luck.
   — Sunny4x4chick

March 13, 2003
I had strawberries at about 6 months out, hate peanuts so haven't tried those as of yet,and popcorn is a routine snack in my house--I've been eating it for about one month (so that makes it 10 months out).
   — jenn2002

March 13, 2003
Hi...I keep a large canister of peanuts around all the makes a good snack when I want to munch on something with substance to it. Plus they have protein in 'em...yum. Just make sure ya chew 'em up good.<P> I eat popcorn at least once a week. It has good dietary fiber in it...helps keep the pipes clean, if ya know what I mean. LOL<P> And I LOVE strawberries in the summer. They are sweet and tasty in the summer. I cut up strawberries and dip them in cool whip...wonderful summer time snack. Sometimes I do that for my lunch in the summer, on a particularly hot day...a little strawberry salad for lunch. YUM!!<P> I've been eating all three since about 2 months out. Take care and Have a Sparkling Day!! ~CAE~
   — Mustang

March 13, 2003
I've ate all three, but I don't recall how far out I was at the time. But one thing I will admit is that peanuts used to give me acid reflux and a sour stomach. Now as a post op I can eat them with NO PROBLEMS! :)
   — Danmark

March 13, 2003
I'm 22 days post op and enjoy putting in 3 fresh strawberries in my protien drink. I make sure the strawberries are liquidfied and strain out the seeds. I'm suppose to be on full liquids but what the hell... as long as the strawberries are liquidfied then they qualify :) <p> Take Care, Be Well, Be Happy!
   — John T.

March 13, 2003
Ofcourse you can. You can pretty much have most things again, just in smaller quantities. Peanuts are a good little snack when you're in need of protein. I probably started having some about 2 months out. Just be careful of the fat content. Strawberries I had pretty soon, you just should be aware of the natural sugars in them. And popcorn I waited until atleast 3 months I think, jsut because of the kernels. Goodluck to you!
   — Lezlie Y.

March 13, 2003
Yes, yes, & yes. I had them all at about 2 months. No problem!
   — jen41766

March 13, 2003
You will really have to just try it and see how it goes. I wouls suggest trying a very small amount, waiting about 10 minutes and eating alittle more. I tried popcorn way to early- like 4 weeks and it made me really sick. At around 3 months I tried again and have been eating it ever since. Strawberries agree with me too, but keep in mind that some people dump even on natural sugars so fruit <i>could</i> be a problem for a while. Peanuts- never had a problem with them, in fact I eat them every other day. I started on them around 3 weeks post op, but I chewed them to the consistency of peanut butter. I have noticed that I can only eat a small amount before feeling alittle icky. I think its the fat in them. I don't have this problem with almonds...Good luck to you!....Karen (lap rny- almost 6 mons. post-op- down 118 pounds!)
   — karmiausnic

March 13, 2003
Yes, all of these foods you will be able to have. I am 8 weeks post-op and I ate peanuts at three weeks post, I ate movie theater popcorn at the movies at four weeks post, and strawberries at five weeks. The strawberries have sugar so you could dump. I did not dump, I ate two nice sized ones and if I had put one more bite in I may have dumped I was a little queazy. Now at 8 weeks I never eat more than two at a time and feel fine. Good Luck!
   — christy B.

March 14, 2003
Check with your surgeon as all of them have different time frames for when you can eat certain things. For me, I had popcorn at 5 weeks post-op, strawberries and peanuts at around 6 weeks-8 weeks postop.
   — Cindy R.

March 14, 2003
I eat all of these. Actually it is strange since this surgery I crave peanuts and sunflower seeds! And I make light popcorn as a snack when I watch TV. That used to be one of my worst habits snacking while watching TV. I still have the habit but now I eat a cup of light popcorn, before I would eat a pound of Hershey Kisses.
   — Linda A.

March 14, 2003
My surgeon allows us to eat foods with seeds starting 8 weeks post op. I was 8 weeks on Wednesday, and starting eating peanuts last week (needed a protein source) with no problems. I'm waiting before I have popcorn because I'm afraid it will expand in my pouch. When that happens (e.g., with macaroni), it makes me really sick.
   — Beth S.

March 14, 2003
one of my favorite treats (and I don't have it often) is strawberries topped with chocolate redi-whip. Yummm :>) I also love popcorn and peanuts and have been eating both since about a month out. Just remember peanuts are carby and not a nut, so not the best choice for proteins. Macadamia's are much better in that department. Sorry had to add that :>)
   — [Deactivated Member]

March 14, 2003
Monica, I haven't had popcorn yey, never liked strawberries and eat a ton of peanutbutter. Peanuts make my stomach cramp (maybe its the amount of peanuts I eat)...But, peanuts are so high in fat that I have given them up. good luck Heather (Open RNY 8/15 - 305/205/150)
   — heathercross

March 14, 2003
No problems at all with Popcorn...although i do find that I can eat quite a bit more of it than my normal 3 oz. I don't think you get the expanding problem that someone mentioned in one of their breaks down to practically nothing. Open RNY 12/26/02
   — thekatinthehat

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