What could this dull ache/pain be?

I will be 2 months post-op tomorrow.... Yesterday afternoon my stomach felt very achey and even hurt to touch it on the outside... the pain moved around to my side (left side) and now is around my back and low around my hip (lift side still) I have spoken to my surgeon who dosen't think it is my gallbladder, he said "just said take some pain medicine and I am sure it will go away." I am also having some acid reflux this afternoon and my bowl movements have been chalky in color for the past two days... anyone have any ideas what this could be? I am having a "just in case" ultasound on my gallbladder tomorrow.    — audra H. (posted on April 9, 2001)

April 9, 2001
Sounds like gallbladder to me! I'm certainly no doctor, but I have had gallbladder problems for about 10 years and that sounds like a classic gallbladder attack (mild).
   — Donna H.

April 9, 2001
It doesn't sound like gallbladder to me. That pain is usually on the RIGHT side, just under the ribs and over toward the middle. Also some pain radiating around the ribs to just under the right shoulderblade in the back. Usually, there's nausea and/or vomiting, too. So, I am glad you have gone back to the surgeon, but if the GB is negative and the pain remains, keep going back until you get an answer. Especially if it gets worse. Good luck.--Jesse
   — Jesse M.

April 9, 2001
Please call your Dr. and tell him you have spoken to someone who has had chronic pancreatitis. And tell him I said these are the same symptoms I had and that my amylase was normal at first, with an elevated lipase, and a triglyceride level of 3800. I was close to death. The surgery has healed me, but I know of several people who have died from pancreatitis associated with WLS. Please let me know how you are, and what they diagnosed you with -- I am also a nurse --
   — CohenHeart

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