Just found out I have a hernia...

I went for my 6 month follow up visit this past Tuesday and was told by my surgeon I have a hernia. It is located around my incision site, above the navel. I had lost 81 lbs. but was still concerned because my stomach is still so large. During my career of yo-yo dieting, when I would reach my current weight my stomach was never as big as it is now. (Although I have gone from looking 9 months pregnant with triplets to 9 months pregnant with one :) My surgeon stated since I didn't even know I had it, I could probably wait until I'm under 200 lbs and then see a plastic surgeon who could fix it and at that time do a abdominoplasty; which my insurance would most likely cover. I guess I was so stunned by the news and excited at the prospect of a tummy tuck I didn't think to ask him if the hernia could be the cause of my still enormous stomach. I just read on the message board where a woman stated she had one the size of a basketball. He assured me I could still work out at Curves and continue walking, but not to lift anything heavy. I would appreciate hearing from anyone who can relate to my situation and share their experience. Also, any suggestions on the do's and don'ts of caring for a hernia; is it probable this thing could get worse before my next 6 month check up? Thanks, Jill    — Jill H. (posted on March 27, 2004)

March 27, 2004
Hi, Jill...although I really cant help at all with your question I was reading your profile and noticed that you had mentioned your pre-op weight being 255, with a 81 pound weightloss youd be around 174, right? Was just curious if you were interested in a TT at this point, as I too started out at 255 and was thinking when I would like to consider a TT. Congrats on your weightloss!
   — [Deactivated Member]

March 27, 2004
I started out at 255 and am at/below goal now, between 135 and 137 depending on the day. Last month I went for a plastic surgery consult for an abdominoplasty. The surgeon detected a hernia that I never knew I had. I figured, like you, that it would help a TT be covered while the hernia repair was being done. No such luck. My insurance has approved the hernia repair and has denied the TT. I am filing an appeal, and my surgeon has spoken to the medical director of the insurance company. So far, they are indicating that I need to show proof of rashes and irritations due to the skin. I am seeing my dermatologist next week for another reason and will ask him to document what he can. I will have to not be so diligent about caring for that area and see what happens. Wish me luck and check in on my profile from time to time to see my updates. My surgeon is still optimistic about getting the TT approved, but if he doesn't I may not deal with the hernia as I never knew I had it and don't have any symptoms. Good luck to you!!!
   — Fixnmyself

March 27, 2004
Basketball owner here....I had mine fixed in December, I am waiting on the tummy tuck for another time. Mine just kept getting bigger, it would pop out when I tried to exercise and in general was making me miserable. I also looked 9 months pregnant and could not get clothes. I had constant problems with diahrea and lots of gastro problems, they found I also had an internal hernia so both were fixed, no more basketball and no more GI distress. GOod luck
   — Linda 1.

March 29, 2004
Hermie and I have been hanging out together now for about 15 months and have at least another 3 to go. I'm very careful what I lift and reach up high for. I am careful all the time and since Hermie is so big it is not likely that I'll forget him. Yes I look pregnant all the time but at least after the TT people will again notice a big difference and won't know why. Check out my profile, I have a picture of us and just what my doctor told me after we confirmed Hermie was present.
   — jocelyn

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