I start personal training in two weeks.....

I am very scared of the whole blood sugar dropping thing and passing out. What can I do for this not to happen (I did have an episode once)? Thanks!    — TP (posted on February 23, 2003)

February 23, 2003
You have a valid concern, many people who work out don't realize you need to be careful and eat certain things. I will usually have a protein drink, whether ISOPURE or something made with milk before going to the gym. I then do about an hour of lifting weights and cardio combined. Then I will usually have a sub (I can eat a 1/4 of a 6 inch sub, I also take out half the meat and don't eat all the bread) Sometimes I will eat spag. with mozz cheese (usually more cheese than pasta) That last choice isn't the best I guess, since we are supposed to follow "protein first" But i get weak and dizzy very fast, and I work out like 5 days a week, so I really need the carbs. And I also drink a 24oz of bottled water during the work-out to remain hydrated. I've lost almost 110lbs. in less than 9 months, so this seems to have worked for me. Plus, I feel so much better now that I am working out and gaining more muscle tone, it feels great! Goodluck!
   — Lezlie Y.

February 23, 2003
I also go to a trainer that I restarted one month after surgery. His advice to me was that I eat carbs about 1 hour before working out. I usually have a baked potato, a zone bar or an apple with PB on it. And then have protein with in an hour of working out to repair your muscles. This system works really well for me. Once I tryed just having a protein shake before working out and I was miserable, I thought I would pass out. You really need those carbs for energy to get you through. Hope this helps. **kelly
   — Kelly T.

February 23, 2003
My trainer also suggested carbs before weight training and protein after. I add berries to my morning shake on the mornings I'm training, or I'll eat some oatmeal with splenda and heavy cream about an hour before my session. It seems to be working well for me!
   — JoAnn B.

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