I have two questions..Does anyone take meds to prevent..........

Osteoporosis? I know there are meds out there that people take. Also, I read that a lot of people on here have overweight parents, siblings, etc, but I don't. My mom and sister are skinny. I have some relatives that are overweight but they are aunts, uncles, etc. Does anyone on here have skinny parents or siblings or am I just abnormal? LOL!!!! Thanks guys!!    — TP (posted on July 16, 2002)

July 16, 2002
The best thing you can take to prevent osteoporosis is Calcium! =) (Citrate kind if you are RNY) I have also seen some ads for bone-loss prevention/reversal drugs and was curious. I read the fine print and it seems that they are NOT for women of childbearing age and they are very hard on the stomach. My guess would be that the benefit wouldn't be worth the risk unless you were already pretty bad off. Calcium supplementation after WLS is a must and as long as you keep on top of it you should be OK.<p>My parents are not FAT but they are not thin either. Most of my aunts and uncles are at least overweight and some are MO. My sister has struggled with her weight all her life and yo-yos from MO to normal weight, but my brother evened out at overweight but not MO.
   — ctyst

July 16, 2002
I take two Calcium Citrate Supplements a day (1 AM, 1 PM).... I find mine just at the pharmacy. My Mom is 57 yrs. old, around (5'5") and weighs 110, my Dad is 71 yrs. old about (5'7") and weighs no more than 150-165. My oldest sister (5'6") is 38, and weighs around 130, my middle sister is 35 (5'7") and has gained about 50 hard to lose pounds since the birth of her child (which could be PCOS related, not 100% sure)... still she was always around 160's TOPS. Then, there is ME. Egads.
   — Karen R.

July 16, 2002
I was the first to go morbid. My dad's side are all tiny people, my aunt's feel fat at 100#. Yeah. My mom's side is pretty roundy, 50-70# over. BUT they stopped dieting. I kept on. Sigh.
   — vitalady

July 16, 2002
im about 267 and a size 26. my mom is about a 9 and my dad is a 37 or close and my sister who is 5 years older is a 6. i kinda feel like danny devito in twins. i was maybe the left over stuff. certainly not arnold.
   — kelli L.

July 17, 2002
LOL Oh, Kelli! You're so funny!
   — ctyst

July 17, 2002
This spring at my ob/gyn visit I told my doctor that I quit taking the HRT meds because I didn't see any reason to continue them, he said that was ok but I REALLY should take something to prevent osteoporosis. He prescribed EVISTA and I have taken it for 6 months now. I have no bad side effects from it and one of the good side effects is that it has been shown to help prevent breast cancer. My insurance has a prescription program so I only pay $5 a month for it, less than over the counter calcium pills.
   — Lois S.

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