Does anyone have stats or articles on the failure rate of VBG surgery?

   — DANA H. (posted on May 31, 2002)

May 31, 2002
I heard that VBG has a 50% failure rate.
   — Anna M.

May 31, 2002
Here's a comparison chart that gives statistics of VBG, RNY, DS. <p>I don't know how to make it an actual link in this answer, so you will have to just copy the link and paste it into URL address. Some folks will say this is "baloney" because the doctor whose website this comes from only performs the DS. But my surgeon does both RNY and DS, and the statistics he quotes are very similar to these. I hope this helps you and I wish you the very best results in whatever you decide.
   — artistmama

May 31, 2002
I never lost all the weight I wanted with VBG surgery. I had the surgery 15 years ago. I have regained all my weight back except for 10 pounds, I am looking into a revision. When I had my surgery they called it stomach stapling (gastrofundplasty). I have read numerous articles on the subject and the studies show that long term weight results are poor in comparison with RYN or DS.
   — Kathi S.

May 31, 2002
Just for information-Ozzy Osbourne's wife Sharon had it done. Ozzy said she throws up a lot, but she has done well with the weight so far. I personally wouldn't do it, but is is less drastic than the RNY and reversable.
   — Angela S.

May 31, 2002
For what its worth, Sharon Osborne had Lap-Band surgery not VBG. The primary difference being that the Lap-Band is adjustable whereas the VBG cannot adjust. As with everything, there are people who succeed and those that fail.
   — Katherine B.

May 31, 2002
My bariatric surgeon offers VBG, RNY, and adjustable lap banding in his practice. He quoted a "failure rate" of 80% for VBG long-term, but stated that it can be very effective for individuals who are "dedicated to behavior modification".
   — Diana T.

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