I almost ate a whole sandwih and I feel real full

I almost ate a whole sandwich for dinner tonight I did not realize I was so full untill 5 minutes after I ate. Am I eating to fast or to much. I am 12 weeks post-op Ryn. Can anyone else eat a whole sandwich at a seating. I do not want to start streching my stomach.    — Candy I. (posted on February 22, 2000)

February 22, 2000
First of all "GAWD" a whole sandwich, no wonder you were so full. I'm a little over two months post-op and I still don't eat bread, hot rolls or anything like that's doughy. (They tend to double in size in the pouch). I may have an occasional cracker, however, crackers are easier to digest and don't clump up in the pouch like bread does.."Crispy foods" are: foods that will disintegrate if you place them in a glass of water. Examples of crispy foods would be: Melba toast, crackers, well-toasted bread, I still consider bread of any kind empty calories because it gives me "NO Protein". So I don't eat it.. I need all the space in my tiny tummy for protein foods.
   — Victoria B.

February 22, 2000
I have to agree with what Ava and Vicki have said. I also stay away from bread and at 4 months post op still work to get my protein in. I can eat about a 4 oz meal. Breads/carbs make me feel ill and so I easily stay clear of them. Try slowing down your eating and listening to your body. At first I use to take a bite and then put my fork down. As soon as you get the first sensation of maybe being full, put the fork down and see if you really are still hungry. I find that if I take that one more bite I feel awful and pay for it for a while. Hang in there, we are learning how to eat all over again.
   — Jilda H.

February 22, 2000
Hi! Eating too fast and eating too much go hand in hand. When you eat too fast your pouch can't keep up and give you the signals that you're full. If you want a sandwich, eat a sandwich, just take it really, really slow. Take a bite, chew to a pulp, swallow, then wait about 60 seconds before the next bite. I'm a year out from RNY surgery and I can eat about 1/2 a sandwich...that's because I know when I'm full. Just take it easy! And like others have posted, it is most important to get your protein in so you might try making a sandwich then taking it apart and slowly eating the protein first, then the bread, if and only if you still feel hungry. Good luck!
   — Roseann M.

February 22, 2000
Hi Candy: Sometimes I can eat a whole grilled cheese sandwich. Any other kind, though, and I can only eat half. Of course, that is a little further post-op than what you are now. I find that if I'm out to lunch with a friend, and talking while I eat, it seems I eat more. I think it's because I'm eating really slow. Anyway! Pay attention to what you're eating, and stop at the first sign of fullness. If you're not sure whether you are full or not, STOP. It's easier to eat more if you're hungry sooner than to be too full and hurt yourself. Jaye Carl, open proximal RNY 7-29-99, 94 pounds down the drain!
   — Jaye C.

February 23, 2000
The most I can do of a sandwich without overdoing it is half. Sounds like you are eating probably both too fast and too much. Just be careful. Not only will the stomach eventually stretch, but it can take hours for the pain of eating too much to go away.
   — dboat

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