I am 6 days post-op and am feeling pretty crappy

Bfore I went in to surgery i was weighing about 295 and now i weigh like 310. I am so swollen I feel like a ballon. Is this normal? Please Help! Thanks!    — Lizette A. (posted on October 20, 2003)

October 20, 2003
Oh please call your surgeon. That does not sound normal to be retaining 15lbs of anything after surgery. My husband weighed in with his surgeon and was almost 20lbs lighter at his 10 day post op checkup. He's now 2 weeks and 3 days post op and is 28lbs lighter. To me that definitely does not sound normal to me... I'd be all over the phone with my surgeon's office if I was in your shoes.
   — Kimberly J.

October 20, 2003
I went to surgery weighing 238 and came home 15 lb heavier from retaining the IV fluids. I felt like my skin was 2 sizes too small. It took at least a week or more for the extra fluid to go away. I would give things a few more days, unless you are having trouble breathing because of it. Did you come home from the hospital with this, or has it just developed? If this has developed since you came home from the hospital, I would call the surgeon.
   — koogy

October 20, 2003
I gained 20 lbs. in the hospital. It was all the intravenous fluid. It came off pretty quickly.
   — Leslie R.

October 20, 2003
When I was in the hospital they didn't want me retaining any fluid, my feet got a little puffy and they immediatly started me on lasics (sp) a diuretic. I would call your doc and ask about one! Good Luck!
   — Saxbyd

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