My Ear has been clogged up since 3 days after surgery.

When they took the oxygen off I had a nose bleed for 3 days and then my ear stopped up. The surgeon looked into my ear and saw nothing abnormal but now some 20 days after surgery my ear is still stopped up. What is this? Will it go away? Should I bug the doctor again?    — Eleanore Davis (posted on August 26, 2003)

August 26, 2003
Have you been nauseous or light headed at all? I had those same symptoms and it turned out to be Meniere's Disease. It's an inner ear thing. They can't see any fluid when they look in - but you sure can feel it. Barb
   — bjkgriffith

August 26, 2003
Have you been nauseous or light headed at all? I had those same symptoms and it turned out to be Meniere's Disease. It's an inner ear thing. They can't see any fluid when they look in - but you sure can feel it. Barb
   — bjkgriffith

August 26, 2003
You may want to see an Ears, Nose and Throat Dr. When my ear was clogged, even though they saw nothing, I was placed on a decongestant for 28 days - it cleared up.
   — M B.

August 26, 2003
This is very interesteing, my husband had surgery a few years ago and they used a general. For about 3-4 weeks after surgery his ear was stopped up. We took him to the Dr. he saw nothing unusual. However, I began to do my own research on anesthesia and found out that in rare cases general anesthesia can cause temporary...not permanent, but temporary hearing loss and a feeling of your ears being clogged. It is usually only one ear. Meniere's, disease is usually accompanied by nausea, and severe vertigo. After I told the dr about the reseach I did he shrugged it off...but when I spoke to an anesthesialogist they agreed with me it is rare but possible.
   — Karen Renee

August 26, 2003
Let me just add that if this does not go away go to a good ear ,nose and throat specialist.
   — Karen Renee

August 26, 2003
Last year I had an ovarian cyst removed. A week after the surgery I had horrible pain in my right ear. I went to my PCP who gave me a shot a demoral and a prescript of amoxcillian and darvocet. After ten days I still could not hear out of my ear so I went to a a specialist. He gave me a hearing test, checked the pressure and gave me a prescript to make the goop in my ear thinner so it would drain. He said that either my ear would eventually drain or my ear drum would burst from the pressure. About a month later, my ear drum burst and all the goop came out. Aint life grand?? LOL!
   — S A.

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